The Word Foundation
The Word Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit organization chartered in the state of New York on May 22, 1950. This is the only organization in existence that was founded and authorized by Mr. Percival for these purposes. The foundation is not associated or affiliated with any other organization, and does not endorse or support any individual, guide, mentor, teacher or group claiming to have been inspired, appointed or otherwise authorized to explain and interpret Percival’s writings.
According to our bylaws, the foundation may have an unlimited number of members who choose to give it their support and to benefit from its services. Out of these ranks, Trustees with special talents and areas of expertise are selected, who in turn elect a Board of Directors who are responsible for the general management and control of the affairs of the corporation. The Trustees and Directors reside in different locales in The United States and abroad. We join together for an annual meeting and ongoing communication throughout the year to carry out our shared purpose—to make Percival’s writings readily available and to assist fellow students who contact us from many parts of the world to address their studies and the challenge many humans face in their desire to understand this earthly existence. Toward this quest for Truth, Thinking and Destiny is unexcelled in terms of scope, depth and profundity.
And so, our dedication and stewardship is to make known to the people of the world the contents and meaning of the book Thinking and Destiny as well as the other books written by Harold W. Percival. Since 1950, The Word Foundation has published and distributed the Percival books and assisted readers in their understanding of Percival’s writings. Our outreach provides books to prison inmates and libraries. We also offer discounted books when they will be shared with others. Through our Student to Student program, we help to facilitate a pathway for those of our members who would like to study Percival’s works together.
Volunteers are important to our organization as they help us to expand Percival’s writings to a wider readership. We are fortunate to have had the help of many friends over the years. Their contributions include donating books to libraries, sending our brochures to friends, organizing independent study groups, and similar activities. We also receive financial contributions that have been vital in helping us to continue our work. We welcome and are most grateful for this assistance!
As we continue our efforts to share the Light of Percival’s legacy to humanity, we cordially invite our new readers to join us.

“Our Message” was the first editorial written by Harold W. Percival for his renowned monthly magazine, The Word. He created a shorter version of the editorial as a first page for the magazine. The above is a replication of this shorter version from the first volume of the twenty-five volume bound set, 1904 - 1917. The editorial can be read in its entirety on our Editorials page.