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Vol. 15 JULY 1912 No. 4

Copyright 1912 by H. W. PERCIVAL



A MAN of strong desires, who seeks power to use it for what he conceives to be his interest independently of others, may acquire power and may prolong his life in the world for a time which, to the ordinary man, seems to be forever. The powers acquired must react on him and crush him, because by his attitude of mind he has made himself an obstacle in the path of humanity’s progress. The law requires all hindrance to the welfare and progress of humanity to be removed. The acts of a strong and selfish man may appear to break the law for a time. They merely appear to break it. While one can go against the law, interfere with or postpone its operation, he cannot set it at nought forever. The force which he exerts against the law will recoil on him in the measure of his exertion. Such men are not considered in what is herein written on Living Forever. What is said will be of benefit to those only whose motive in living forever is, that they will thus be able to serve mankind, and that their attainment to the state of living forever will be for the best of all beings.

One who has taken or is taking the three steps toward living above mentioned, to see that he is dying, to renounce the way of dying and to desire the way of living, and to begin the process of living, should familiarize himself with certain propositions which he will prove and demonstrate to himself as he continues in his progress toward living forever.

One law rules in every part of the four worlds of the manifested universe.

The four worlds are, the physical world, the psychic world, the mental world and the spiritual world.

Each of the four worlds is governed by its own laws, all subject to the one universal law.

All things in each of the worlds are subject to change, as change is known in that world.

Beyond the four worlds there is a primal root substance from which all things manifested spring as from a seed. Beyond that and comprising all unmanifested and all manifested is the Whole.

In its own primal state, substance is unmanifested, at rest, homogeneous, the same throughout, and is unconscious.

Substance is called into manifestation by law.

Manifestation begins in that portion of substance which becomes active.

At each such manifestation, substance separates into ultimate unit particles.

An ultimate unit cannot be divided nor destroyed.

When it begins manifestation, that which was substance ceases to be the same throughout and becomes dual in its action.

From the duality manifested in each of the ultimate units come all the forces and the elements.

That which substance becomes in manifestation is called matter, which is dual as spirit-matter or matter-spirit.

Matter is composed of the ultimate units in a variety of combinations.

The four manifested worlds are composed of the ultimate units of which matter is made up.

The matter of each of the four manifested worlds is being developed either in line of involution or in line of evolution.

The line of involution in the development of the ultimate units’ descent is from the spiritual world through the mental and psychic worlds to the physical world.

The consecutive stages of development downward in the line of involution are breath matter or spirit, life matter, form matter, sex matter or physical matter.

The line of evolution in the development of the ultimate units is from the physical world through the psychic and mental worlds to the spiritual world.

The stages of development upward along the line of evolution are sex matter, desire matter, thought matter, and individuality.

The ultimate units which are being developed on the line on involution are conscious but unintelligent.

The ultimate units which are being developed on the line of evolution are conscious and intelligent.

The ultimate units which are being developed on the line of evolution control and cause the ultimate units on the line of involution to act in that world in which they are directed by the intelligent units.

The manifestations in any of the worlds are the result of the combinations of the unintelligent ultimate units with, and as the results of, the direction given them by the intelligent units.

Each unit is manifested in degrees of what is called spirit and what is called matter.

What is called spirit and what is called matter are the opposite aspects of the duality expressed in the manifesting side of each unit.

The manifesting side of each unit is called matter, for short.

Matter is to be known as spirit on the one hand and matter on the other.

The unmanifesting side of each unit is substance.

The manifesting side of each unit may be balanced and resolved into the unmanifesting side of the same unit.

Each ultimate unit must pass through all stages of development on the line of involution, from the spiritual world to the physical world, before that ultimate unit can begin its development on the line of evolution.

Each ultimate unit must pass through all stages of development from the highest, from the primal spirit in the spiritual world to the densest matter in the physical world, and must pass through all stages of development from the lowest in the physical world to the highest in the spiritual world.

Each unintelligent ultimate unit is impelled by the spirit nature of itself to act as directed by intelligent ultimate units, until that ultimate unit becomes an intelligent ultimate unit.

Unintelligent ultimate units become intelligent ultimate units by their association with intelligent ultimate units as they complete their development on the line of involution.

Unintelligent ultimate units are not responsible for the results of their actions.

When ultimate units become intelligent and begin their development on the line of evolution, they become responsible for their actions and for what they cause to be done by unintelligent ultimate units.

Each ultimate unit must pass in development through all stages of being as an intelligent ultimate unit.

Man is an ultimate unit which is intelligent, and which is in a stage of development.

Man has in his keeping and is responsible for innumerable other but unintelligent ultimate units.

Each set of ultimate units which the intelligent ultimate unit man has in his keeping belong to stages of development through which he has passed.

Man has with him in the organization which he controls ultimate units of all planes of involution and evolution up to the stage of development in evolution which he has reached.

By the sameness of substance, in the unmanifesting side of himself as an ultimate unit, man may rise out of the manifested worlds and into that which is unmanifested.

By the power in spirit-matter, which is the manifesting side of him as an ultimate unit, man may bring about the changes in himself by which he ceases to act alternately as positive or negative, spirit or matter.

Alternating between these opposites causes man as the intelligent ultimate unit to disappear from one plane in a world and to pass onto another plane or world and to pass from those and reappear.

In each plane or world in which the ultimate unit man is, he appears to himself or is aware of himself according to the conditions of that world or the plane, and not otherwise.

When the intelligent ultimate unit man leaves one plane or world, he ceases to be aware of himself according to the conditions of that plane and world and becomes aware of himself according to the conditions of the plane and world into which he passes.

The undeveloped and unbalanced and incomplete states and conditions in the manifesting side of the intelligent ultimate unit man produce a desire for development, balance, completion, and are the causes of continued change.

Each opposite in the manifesting side of the intelligent ultimate unit man seeks to oppose or dominate its opposite.

Each of the opposites of the manifesting side of himself as an intelligent ultimate unit seeks also to unite with or disappear into the other.

While there are changes in the opposites in the manifesting side of the intelligent ultimate unit man, there will be pain, confusion, and conflict.

Man as an intelligent ultimate unit will continue to appear and disappear and reappear in the different worlds under the conditions required by the worlds, and must endure the torments of sensation and change, and will be unaware of himself as he really is as an intelligent ultimate unit, until he arrests change and stops the conflict of the opposites in the manifesting side of the ultimate unit which he is.

Man may arrest change and stop the conflict of these opposites by contemplating and becoming aware of and relating himself to the sameness or oneness of the unmanifested side of himself as an intelligent ultimate unit.

Mind is a stage in the development of the ultimate unit.

The opposites of the manifesting side of the ultimate unit may be balanced and united.

When the opposites of the manifesting side of an ultimate unit are balanced and united as one, the opposites cease to be opposites and the two become one, which is as neither of the opposites.

That by which the opposites of the manifesting side of the ultimate unit become united as one, is the oneness or sameness, which is the unmanifesting side of that ultimate unit.

That which the opposites of the manifesting side of the ultimate unit have become is substance.

The opposites of the manifesting side of the ultimate unit which have united and again become one, have rebecome substance and are the sameness of the unmanifesting side.

That intelligent ultimate unit in which the two opposites of its manifesting side have become one and which has rebecome substance, is not the same as substance though it identifies itself with substance.

That which has identified itself with the unmanifesting side of itself or substance, is wisdom, the wisdom principle; the unmanifesting side remains substance.

The wisdom principle knows and helps and identifies itself with every ultimate unit in the manifested worlds and with substance, the root of the manifested worlds.

Through that part of itself which is substance the wisdom principle knows and acts with every ultimate unit in each of the worlds on the line of involution.

By the potential sameness of the wisdom principle which is in each intelligent ultimate unit, the wisdom principle knows each intelligent ultimate unit in each of the manifesting worlds on the line of evolution.

The wisdom principle is present with the ultimate units in all of the worlds, but it does not manifest its presence as form or in form.

The wisdom principle manifests its presence only by the feeling or being conscious of sameness with all things and in all things and by good will toward all things.

Will is the source of the power by which the wisdom principle manifests its presence in any of the worlds.

Will is unattached and is unqualified.

As man is an ultimate unit in his manifesting and unmanifesting sides, so also are the four worlds, in their manifesting and unmanifesting sides.

The intelligent ultimate unit man is the representative of each of the worlds in its manifesting and unmanifesting sides, and of the Whole.

The same law and laws which are operative in the Whole and in each of the worlds are operative in man and his organization.

As the intelligent ultimate unit man acts with the ultimate units which are with him and in his keeping, they act on other ultimate units in each of the worlds to which they are related.

The ultimate units in the different worlds react as they were acted on by the ultimate units in the keeping of man and all in turn react on man.

The mind of the intelligent unit man acts on itself and in like manner acts on the mind of the Whole, and so also does the mind of the Whole react on the intelligent ultimate unit man.

These propositions may not at once be apparent to the mind. But if one will read them over and become intimate with them they will take root in his mind and become self-evident to the reason. They will help man in his progress toward living forever to understand the workings of nature within him and to explain himself to himself.

Living forever is not living for the enjoyment of delights. Living forever is not for exploitation of one’s fellows. Living forever requires greater courage than has the bravest soldier, more zeal than has the most ardent patriot, a grasp of affairs more comprehensive than has the ablest statesman, a deeper love than has the most devoted mother. One who lives forever cannot like a soldier fight and die. The world does not see nor hear of the fighting he does. His patriotism is not limited to a flag and the tribe and land on which its shadow falls. His love cannot be measured by a baby’s fingers. It reaches out from either side of the present to the beings who have passed and who are yet to come. He must tarry while the hosts of men go by and come and go, ready to give them aid when they are ready and will receive it. One who lives forever cannot give up his trust. His work is with and for the races of humanity. Not until the youngest brother of his great family is able to take his place will his work be finished, and perhaps not then.

The process toward living forever, very likely is a long and arduous course and requires greatness of character and coolness of judgment to travel. With the right motive there will be no fear in launching out on the journey. One who undertakes it will not be daunted by any obstacle, nor can fear take hold of him. The only means by which fear can affect and overcome him is when it is hatched and nursed by his own wrong motive. Fear can find no brooding place with right motive.

It is time for men to be conscious that they are borne on by the torrent of life, and in a little while are engulfed by death. It is time to choose not to be so engulfed, but to use the torrent to be borne on safely, and to live forever.

(To be continued)