Copyright 1913 by H. W. PERCIVAL |
Has time in its divisions into years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds any correspondence with the physiological or other processes in the human body? If so, what are the correspondences?
There is an exact correspondence between the natural measures of time by the cycles of the sun, moon and planets and certain physiological processes in the human body, but the division made by the mechanical contrivances of man is not exact.
The universe as a whole is represented by all that can be seen or understood of the heavens or space; this universe corresponds to the physical body of man; the star clusters, for instance, correspond to the nerves and the ganglia in the body. The sun, moon, the earth, and the stars called planets with their respective satellites or moons, move in their own atmospheres.
Speaking of or supposing time to be a “succession of phenomena in the universe,” marked off by the movements of what are called the heavenly bodies in space, and changes and phenomena thereby produced in relation to the earth, there is a correspondence between these phenomena and the normal human body with its physiological processes and the changes and results produced therefrom. But it is not well for our safety that we discover these things; lest we should open Pandora’s box.
It is important and enough to know there are two germs in the human body which represent and correspond to the sun and the moon. The generative system in the body corresponds and is related to the solar system. But each of the organs in the solar system has its corresponding organs in the body. The seed and soil in the generative system is the result of the action of the organs in the body corresponding to the sun and the moon. The essence or the extracts resulting from the action of the organs, corresponding and related to the planets, perform their work through the different systems of the body, and all work together in the general economy of the body for the period of its natural life, so that the particular work to which the life of the body is devoted may be accomplished.
There is in the body a principle which is representative of and corresponds to the sun. This passes down and up or around the body, as the sun is said to make one complete circle through the twelve signs of the zodiac. From the sign aries corresponding to the human head, down by way of the sign cancer, corresponding to the breasts or chest, to the sign libra corresponding to the place (not the organs) of sex, and up by way of the sign capricorn, corresponding to the spine in the region of the heart, and back again to aries the head, passes the germ or sun of the body through its signs of the zodiac in the time of one solar journey of a year. There is in the body another germ representative of the moon. The lunar germ should pass through all the signs of its zodiac. However, such is not usually the case. The zodiac of the moon is not the zodiac of the universe. The moon makes a revolution through its zodiac in the body in twenty-nine and a fraction days, corresponding to the lunar month. When the moon is full it is in aries of its zodiac and its correspondent germ in the body should be in the head; the last quarter is the cancer of its zodiac and the breast of the body; the dark of the moon turning to the new moon is the libra of its zodiac and then its germ in the body is in the region of sex. In the first quarter of the moon it is in its capricorn and the bodily germ should be along the spinal cord opposite the heart, and from there the germ of the body should pass upward to the head, when the moon is full in its sign aries. So the solar year and the lunar month are marked in the body by the passing of their representative germs through the body.
The week is perhaps the oldest measure of time in any human calendar. It is recorded in the calendars of the most ancient people. Modern people, necessarily, have borrowed it from them. Each day of the week is related to the sun, moon, and planets, from which the days take their names. The life of the human body corresponds to one manifestation of a solar system. The week in the human body corresponds in smaller measure to the same.
The day, which is the revolution of the earth once around its axis, is one of the seven periods of the week, and in it the larger period is represented again. In the human body, the germ or principle corresponding to the earth makes one complete round through its particular system, which corresponds to the revolution of the earth. These correspondences, the solar year and month, the lunar month, the week, day with the physiological operations of man’s body, ends with the day. There are numerous other minor measures of the “succession of phenomena in the universe” which correspond exactly with substances and processes in the human body. But for the hour, minute and second, there can only be claimed a kind of analogy between universal and physiological claimed a kind of analogy between universal and physiological phenomena. The hour, minute and second may be said to be comparatively modern measures. When the measure called a second was adopted it was thought that it being so short a period there would never be need of any attempt to divide it. Physical science made the same mistake when they gave the name of atom to the minute parts of what they considered to be primitive elements. Later they discovered each of those “atoms” to be a little universe in itself, the divisions of which were named electrons, ions, though possibly the ion is not such an ultimate division. The human body is regulated to and should act in accord with the phenomena in the universe, but invariably man interferes with the body’s natural processes and normal functions. Then he gets into trouble. Pain, suffering and disease are the result, which are the natural processes of the body in the effort of nature to restore a normal condition. These processes in the human body have their correspondence with conflicts and cateclysms in nature, to maintain an equilibrium. If man in his body will work with and not too much against nature he may learn the exact correspondence between each part of his body and its corresponding part in the universe and their reciprocal processes.
A Friend [H. W. Percival]