THE TRIUNE SELF OF THE HUMAN and its three parts: the knower, the thinker, and the doer

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This figure also serves to indicate the Four Worlds, through which are the Triune Self and the doer-in-the-body.

Fig. V-B

Light world The knower Life world The thinker Form world The doer The human physical world Noetic Mental Psychic atmospheres of the Triune Self Physical atmosphere of the human

The noetic, mental and psychic atmospheres of the human, are those portions of the atmospheres of the Triune Self that reach into the physical atmosphere of the human.

The physical atmosphere of the human, is made up of emanations from the fourfold physical body, which extend from a few inches to a considerable distance, (Fig. III).

its light-being in the light world
its life-being in the life world
its form-being in the form world
THE PERFECT PHYSICAL BODY for these three beings in the Realm of Permanence

Fig. V-B, a

The light-being of the Triune Self in the light world The life-being in the life world The form-being in the form world Permanent physical world or Realm of Permanence The human physical world The perfect sexless physical body for the knower, the thinker, and the doer of the Triune Self complete is in the Realm of Permanence.

The physical world may be considered from two viewpoints:

1) as the Realm of Permanence, where the doers progress that have passed the trial test of bringing their feeling-and-desire into balanced union; and,
2) the temporal human physical world, (Fig. V-B), where the doers that fail in that test continue to re-exist until they regenerate their bodies and restore them to the Realm of Permanence.

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The physical bodies of the Triune Selves complete are in the Realm of Permanence. Through their perfect sexless physical bodies these Triune Selves govern the four worlds; and, through the Triune Selves of human beings they govern the temporal human world and administrate the destinies of nations as the individuals of those nations determine by their thoughts and acts.