A RE-EXISTING DOER PORTION and its States After Death

Fig. V-D

Life of physical body section After death dream of life section Judgment, Hell, Separation from gross desires section Separation from lower thought section Purification of breath-form section Purified breath-form section Composite happiness section Peaceful rest section Thought of life section Embryonic life section Placental life section Form of human body of sex section Span of earth life First three months of intra-uterine life Birth line Death line Second three months Third three months

The large circle symbolizes the psychic atmosphere of the doer. From the center to the circumference the twelve lines enclose sections which represent the stages of the symbolical roadway through which each doer portion in its turn, passes successively after death, from its life on earth to its next re-existence. The circle of the lowest section represents the physical life on earth. The opposite and highest circle represents the heaven period of happiness. The five circles on the right represent the after-death stages through which the doer portion passes to prepare it for its period of happiness. The five circles on the left represent the stages through which each doer portion in its turn passes on its return journey for its re-existence in the lowest circle as an appearance on the earth stage of physical life. The lowest line on the left separating the circles is the line or gate of birth. At the moment of birth the breath of the breath-form enters with the first gasp and the breath unites with its form in the heart. The lowest line on the right separating the circles is the line or gate of death. The half circle within that section represents the length or span of the doer’s inner life and thoughts in its rise from birth to its fullness and decline and death of the body. The outer part of the circle represents what is said and done to outside nature as the expression of its inner thoughts. Likewise, each of the circles signifies what the doer goes through in itself, and its effects on the stage through which it passes.

THE BREATH-FORM (the living soul) and The Twelve Stages after Death
1st stage: The breath-form is with the doer portion.
2nd stage: The breath-form is separated from the doer portion during the separation of the desires;
3rd stage: and during the separation of the thoughts.
4th stage: Purification of the breath-form.
5th stage: The breath-form is purified.
6th stage: The breath-form is united with the doer portion, which is in its heaven.
7th stage: The form of the breath-form is inert.
8th stage: Form and breath are summoned for activity.
9th stage: The form enters the mother of the doer portion next in line for re-existence. The breath is in the psychic atmosphere of that doer portion. Embryonic period.
10th stage: Placental life begins. Fetal period.
11th stage: Fetal period continued. Human body is made ready for birth.
12th stage: The breath enters through the infant’s lungs and unites with its form in the heart, being the breath-form at the moment of birth and until the death of the body.