1) The Way in the body, and its three sections: the form path, the life path, and the light path
2) The front- or nature-cord
3) The spinal cord or cord for the Triune Self
4) The “bridge” that has been built between the two nervous systems
5) The central canal, running down through the nature-cord, across the “bridge” and up through the spinal cord to:
6) The pituitary and the pineal bodies

Fig. VI-D

Pituitary body Pineal body The front- or nature-cord The spinal cord or cord for the Triune Self The “bridge” Light path Life path Form path of The Way in the body

On the form path, extending from the end of the terminal filament to the 12th dorsal vertebra, a form body is developed for the doer, the psychic part of the Triune Self, the being of the form world.

On the life path, extending from the 12th dorsal to the 7th cervical vertebra, a life body is developed for the thinker, the mental part of the Triune Self, the being of the life world.

On the light path, extending from the 7th to the 1st cervical vertebra, a light body is developed for the knower, the noetic part of the Triune Self, the being of the light world.

When the human physical body has been rebuilt and its reconstruction into a perfect, immortal body is completed, that body need not be sustained by the gross foods of this earth. Certain nerve currents come into the body chiefly by way of the sense organs and their nerves; they pass along the central canal of the front-cord, of the “bridge,” and of the spinal cord and upwards into what are now the ventricles of the brain. In their uninterrupted passage through the canal of the two cords, the units making up these currents are charged with power by the Triune Self, and so the body is enabled to serve as a powerhouse through which nature is energized and empowered.

There is then no longer any need for the generative, respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems as they are now, and the organs at present serving these systems have become transformed. In their places, structures resembling those of the nervous systems fill the four body cavities: these structures are here spoken of as the four brains: the pelvic brain for the perfect physical body; the abdominal brain for the doer and its form body; the thoracic brain for the thinker and its life body; and the cephalic brain for the knower and its light body. By virtue of these brains, the three parts of the Triune Self can each thus act separately in its respective body, or together, and with or through the physical body.

When the body has been regenerated many significant changes have taken place: The present sternum with the esophagus and what has remained of the stomach and intestines, have been converted into a resilient, tubular column, the front- or nature-column, which is analogous to and resembles somewhat the spinal column; within this tube is the front- or nature-cord, made up of what are now the two main trunks of the involuntary nervous system and of the nerve structures belonging to that system. Joined with the nature-cord are the two vagus nerves, which are, however, under the direct control of the voluntary system. From the front-column, (Fig. VI-D), extend half arches to both sides, similarly to the present ribs, with which the half-arches are joined. A “bridge,” a direct connection, has been established in the pelvis between the two nervous systems, of which even now indications may be seen in slender fibrils that run between the two systems. Running down within the nature-cord, then across the bridge and upward in the spinal cord is a continuous canal, which, as stated above, is for the passage of breath and nerve currents, and for the use of the doer, the thinker, and the knower.

The present ganglia and nerve plexuses of both systems are greatly augmented and fill the body cavities; they form the four brains before mentioned. The body is by that time largely a body of nerves.