Automatic Translation
We are pleased to offer you automatic translation of all the HTML content on our website. The translations are made by computer and are available in 100 languages. This means that all the works of Harold W. Percival can now be read by most people in the world in their native language. The PDF versions of the Percival books and his other writings remain only in English. These files are replications of the original works, and this kind of accuracy is not expected in automatic translations.
In the bottom right corner of each page, there is a language selector that will allow you to translate the page to the language of your choice:

By clicking on the selector, you may choose the language you wish to read.
Manual Translation
We also are offering you the Introduction of Thinking and Destiny in a few languages that volunteers came forward to create. They are listed below alphabetically.
This first chapter introduces some of the subjects dealt with in the book. It provides the reader at once a context and a springboard for the entire book. Because of this, we provide human-quality translations of the Introduction when we can. We are very appreciative of the volunteers who have helped The Word Foundation make translations of this first chapter available. Please contact us if you would like to contribute translations of the Introduction into other languages.
Deutsch: Einleitung von Denken und Bestimmung (German: Introduction to Thinking and Destiny)
Esperanto: Enkonduko al Pensado kaj Destinado (Esperanto: Introduction to Thinking and Destiny)
Nederlands: Inleiding tot Denken en Bestemming (Dutch: Introduction to Thinking and Destiny)
Русский: Введение в Мышление и судьба (Russian: Introduction to Thinking and Destiny)
Tiếng Việt: Giới thiệu sách Suy nghĩ và Định mệnh (Vietnamese: Introduction to Thinking and Destiny)
Many of the subjects will seem strange. Some of them may be startling. You may find that they all encourage thoughtful consideration.H.W. Percival