This system consists of two main trunks or cords of ganglia (nerve centers), extending from the base of the brain to the coccyx, and situated partly on the right and left sides and partly in front of the spinal column; and, further, of three great nerve plexuses and many smaller ganglia in the body cavities; and of numerous nerve fibers extending from these structures. The two cords converge above in a small ganglion in the brain, and below in the coccygeal ganglion in front of the coccyx.

Fig. VI-B

Spinal column Vagus nerve Solar plexus

Fig. VI-C

In Fig. VI-B, to the left of the spinal column, is indicated one of the two cords of the involuntary nervous system. From it are seen to extend widespread ramifications of nerve fibers, which form the plexuses that are spread like spider webs over the digestive and the other organs in the body cavities; in the solar plexus they are joined by the vagus nerve of the voluntary system.

Fig. VI-C is a sketch indicating the two ganglionic cords of the involuntary system, converging below; running down between them is the spinal cord, terminating near the coccyx. On the sides are indicated the kidneys, topped by the adrenals.


The ovum in the female body and the spermatozoon in the male body correspond to the lunar germ and the solar germ, in one and the same person; these two germs are the material for a divine conception by the Triune Self, for the building of a perfected, sexless, regenerated body, out of which are to issue a form body for the doer, a life body for the thinker, and a light body for the knower of the Triune Self, (Fig. VI-D).

The lunar germ: Once a month a lunar germ is formed in the rear part of the pituitary body, (Fig. VI-A, a), and descends on the right side, along the trunk of the involuntary nervous system and its branches, (Fig. VI-B), to the solar plexus, where they become joined by the right vagus nerve of the voluntary system. Branches of these structures are widely distributed over the body cavities, especially over the organs of the digestive system, and are continued downward into the pelvis. As the lunar germ reaches the lowest point, it crosses over to the left side, by way of the coccygeal ganglion in front of the coccyx, and ascends to the region of the left kidney; but usually it drops back to the sex organs and is lost.

The solar germ: There is only one solar germ for each life. The ordinary course of the solar germ is: Once a year, in the course of six months, it descends from the region of the pineal body, in the right hemisphere of the spinal cord to the region of the first lumbar vertebra; then, during or in the course of six months, after crossing over to and ascending in the left hemisphere of the spinal cord, it returns to the head.


Regeneration begins with thinking when, by self-control, the lunar germ is not lost after it has reached the region of the left kidney, (Fig. VI-C); instead, it continues its upward course and ascends to the brain,—thus completing the first round.

The next month the lunar germ descends again, together with the succeeding lunar germ; if and when the lunar germs are saved for thirteen rounds, equal to one solar year, and the thirteen having merged into one, a divine conception takes place in the head, by the union of the lunar germ with the solar germ, through issuance of light from the pituitary and pineal bodies. So far only slight structural changes have taken place in the human body.

After this divine conception the germ descends on the right side as far as the pelvis; now, however, instead of ascending in the involuntary nervous system on the left side, it connects with the voluntary system by building a “bridge” from the coccygeal ganglion to the terminal filament, (which by this time has developed a central canal from above down to the coccyx).

The lunar germ then opens and enters the terminal filament and is thereby on the form path of The Great Way, and then passes upward to near the junction of the 1st lumbar and 12th dorsal vertebrae, within the central canal. Building the “bridge” and thus making the connection between the two nervous systems, marks a definite change in the structure of the body.

A divine conception is the beginning of the building of a perfect physical body, which is to be the medium for three finer bodies; that is, one, each, for the form-being of the doer, the life-being of the thinker, and the light-being of the knower of the Triune Self.

When the lunar germ has traveled upward within the filament as far as the 12th dorsal vertebra, it has developed into an embryonic form body; at that point it is met by and merges with the solar germ, which has descended in the right hemisphere of the spinal cord. Together they enter into and ascend through the central canal of the spinal cord, to the 7th cervical vertebra. The distance between the 12th dorsal and the 7th cervical marks the life path, and while on this path, the solar germ develops into an embryonic life body. Traveling up the central canal of the spinal cord, the embryonic form and the embryonic life bodies are met at the 7th cervical vertebra by a light germ from the pituitary body; this marks the beginning of the light path and of the embryonic light body. Then the embryonic light body, accompanied by the embryonic life and form bodies, advances through the medulla oblongata and the pons varolii to the pineal body, opens the pineal and fills all ventricles and the spaces between the convolutions and immediately around the brain, with light. Later, the three embryonic bodies reach their full development and ascend through the top of the head, and the doer, the thinker and the knower of the Triune Self are established therein. The doer has then reached perfection, and the Triune Self complete is in a perfected, sexless, regenerated, immortal physical body, and at the end of The Great Way. The other two of the threefold Way, The Way of thinking and The Way in the interior of the earth, have then been successfully traveled.