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Harold W. Percival



In the great prehistoric civilizations and in the minor civilizations of historic times, the attempts to formulate and establish a real democracy have always failed, and therefore have resulted in the downfall of all civilizations, the loss of all cultures through long continued national and internal wars, and the degradation of the remaining human beings to straggling and struggling savages. And now again, in the coursing of the ages, a new and a great civilization is rising, and democracy is once again on trial. It can succeed. Democracy can be made the permanent government of mankind on the earth. It depends largely on the people of the United States of America to institute a Real Democracy in the United States.

Do not let this latest opportunity for democracy now in the making be destroyed. Make it really a government of all the people by the will of the people and in the interest of all of the people. Then as a permanent civilization it shall not pass from the earth. Then it will be the opportunity for the conscious Doers in all human bodies to know themselves as immortals:—by their victory over death, and by the establishing of their bodies in strength and beauty in everlasting youth. This declaration is of Destiny, of Freedom.

Democracy results from the essential facts that the conscious Doers in all human bodies are immortal; that they are the same in origin, purpose and destiny; and, that a Real Democracy, as the self-government of the people by the people and for the people, will be the only form of government under which the Doers can have the same opportunity to be conscious that they are immortal, to understand their origin, to accomplish their purpose, and so fulfil their destiny.

At this crucial period for civilization new powers of force have been revealed and, if used solely for destructive purposes, they could sound the parting knell for life on earth as we know it.

And yet, there is time to stem the approaching avalanche of evil; and there is a task, a duty, for each individual to perform. Each one can begin to govern himself, his passions, vices, appetites, and behavior, morally and physically. He can start by being honest with himself.

The purpose of this book is to point the way. Self-government starts with the individual. The public leaders reflect the attitude of individuals. Disclosures of corruption in high places have been generally condoned by individuals. But, when each person refuses to condone acts of corruption and is rigidly certain of his own incorruptibility in like circumstances, then will his thinking be reflected outwardly in the form of honest public officials. Thus, there is a task and a duty which all can begin at once for the achievement of true democracy.

One may begin with the realization that he is not the body and not the senses; he is the tenant in the body. The term used to express this is the Doer. Man is actually a trinity, herein called the Triune Self, and designated as the Knower, Thinker, and Doer. Only the Doer part is in the body, and of this part just a portion which is, actually, desire-and-feeling. Desire predominates in males and feeling in females.

The “breath-form” here defines what has been commonly called the “soul” and the “subconscious mind.” It is not a mind, and it is not conscious of anything. It is an automaton. It is the most highly developed unit in the body on the nature side and, in fact, governs the body according to the “orders” received from the four senses or from you, the tenant. In the case of most persons the senses are conveying the orders. An obvious example of this is the use of television and radio impressing the breath-form via the optic and auric nerves, the senses of sight and hearing. The success of commercial advertising, knowingly or unknowingly, rests on this factor. Additional evidence is furnished by the instruction methods employed by the U. S. Army during the late World War. Records were played to sleeping soldiers and, as a result, many learned the Chinese Language more fluently in three months than was ordinarily the case in three years. The seat of the breath-form is in the front part of the pituitary gland. In an article appearing on the editorial page of the New York Herald Tribune, December 25, 1951, medical men designated the pituitary body as the master gland of the entire anatomy. This work goes further.

With the realization suggested above, the individual can stop his senses from making all of his decisions. He can subject to his judgment the impressions reaching him via the senses. And, furthermore, he, as the tenant, the Doer in the body, can put his own orders, or impressions, on the breath-form by simply willing them, or by voicing them.

This work explains many subtle things not ordinarily known by people raised in a world where materialism has been dominant. Heretofore, an individual has felt rather helpless, and that his efforts would count for naught against the seemingly overwhelming evil conditions. Such is not the case. This book shows the individual’s task and duty. He can begin at once to govern himself, and thus will he do his part in achieving true democracy for all.

The following pages will acquaint the reader with some of his past experiences in order that he may comprehend his present status as a human being.