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Vol. 18 NOVEMBER 1913 No. 2

Copyright 1913 by H. W. PERCIVAL



SUCH desire ghosts are not as numerous as might be supposed. There are comparatively few persons who can by training produce such ghosts, while those who by nature produce desire ghosts are somewhat more numerous. The desire ghost maker by nature produces many of these ghosts, as his desires are strong.

It is an unusual thing to see one of these ghosts in the waking state. If seen, they are seen mostly in dream. Yet they influence people awake as well as those asleep. The objects of these desire ghosts are not as easily accomplished when the persons victimized are awake, as if they are asleep. Because, when people are awake, the mind, being active, often resists the influences of the desire ghost.

The accomplishment of the purpose of a desire ghost depends upon the similarity of the desires in the ghost and the person it approaches. When the waking mind removes its influence from the sleeping body, the secret desires become active and attract other desires. Because of the secret desires waking people have—and which are often not suspected even by others—they attract and become victims of desire ghosts, in dreams.

There are certain means by which one can protect himself from desire ghosts, awake or in dream. Of course, the first thing to do is not to harbor any desire the moral sense and conscience tell is wrong. Condemn the desire. Take this positive attitude. Substitute the opposite desire, known to be right. Realize that desire is a potential animal. Realize that the I being is not the desire, nor wants what the desire wants. Realize that a human being is distinct from desire.

One who understands this and is positive, is not likely to be troubled by desire ghosts in the waking state.

If desires connected with other persons make themselves gradually or suddenly felt in the waking state, or if a desire seems to impel one to do a thing he would not of himself do, he should take his attention off the thing, surround himself with the I influence. He should realize that the I is immortal; that it cannot be injured or made to do anything which it wills not to do; that the reason he feels the desire is that the I is under the influence of the senses, but that the senses can be injured only if the I allows them to be fearful and afraid of the influence. When a man thinks thus, it is impossible to be afraid. He is fearless, and a desire ghost cannot remain in that atmosphere. It has to leave it; else it will be destroyed in the atmosphere thus created.

To protect himself in dream against desire ghosts, a person on retiring should not have any desire he knows to be wrong. The attitude of mind held during day will largely determine his dreams. Just before retiring he should charge his senses not to submit to any influences inimical to his body. He should charge them to call him if his body be unable to resist any inimical influence and to awake the body. After he has retired he should, passing into sleep, create the atmosphere and put himself into the attitude that would prevent his being over-powered in the waking state.

There are physical things which might be done for protection, but if physical means are resorted to it will always keep the man under the power of the senses. At some time a man must free himself from the senses and realize that he is a mind, a man. Therefore no physical means are here given.

Thought Ghosts of Living Men will appear in the next issue of The Word.

(To be continued)