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Vol. 20 OCTOBER 1914 No. 1

Copyright 1914 by H. W. PERCIVAL


Desire Ghosts of Dead Men

SEVERAL desire ghosts may at the same time feed in the atmosphere or through the body of the same living man. The natures of the ghosts so feeding may be similar or different. When two desire ghosts of similar natures are feeding on one man, there will be a third ghost, which will also feed, because there will be a conflict between the two as to which of them should possess the man, and the psychic energy generated as the result of conflict attracts and feeds desire ghosts of dead men which delighted in conflict.

Of the desire ghosts of the dead who contend for possession of the body of a living man, that desire ghost which is strongest will take and hold possession when it has demonstrated its strength and ability to control him. When desire ghosts of dead men are unable to compel a likely subject to supply their wants through his natural desires, they try other means by which they may succeed. They try to induce him to take drugs or alcohol. If they can get him to become addicted to the use of drugs or of alcohol, they are then able to drive him on to excesses, to supply their wants.

The body and atmosphere of the alcoholic or the drug fiend offers a harbor to many desire ghosts of dead men, and several may at the same time or successively feed on or through the victim. The alcohol ghost feeds while the man is intoxicated. While intoxicated the man will readily do things which in sane moments he would not do. While a man is intoxicated one of the several desire ghosts of sensuality may prey upon him, in the acts which it impels him to commit. So the cruelty desire ghost will get the man, while inebriated, to say cruel things and commit cruel deeds.

Desire ghosts of the dead may stir up the evil passions in the intoxicated man and impel him to acts of violence. The blood-hungry wolf desire ghost of a dead man may then goad the drinker to assault, so that it, the wolf ghost, may absorb the life-essence of the life blood as it flows from the assaulted. This accounts for the change in the nature of many intoxicated men. This accounts for many murders. During one period of intoxication a man may have the three different kinds of desire ghosts feeding on or through him.

There is a difference between the habitual drunkard and the periodical drunkard. The periodical drunkard is one whose underlying motive is against alcohol and drunkenness, but who has also a lurking desire for alcoholic drinks and some of the sensations which intoxicating liquors produce. The habitual drunkard is one who has almost, if not quite, ceased to fight against the spirit of alcohol, and whose moral sense and moral motives are sufficiently effaced to permit him to be a reservoir where the alcohol desire ghost or ghosts of dead men soak up what they want. The temperate drinker who says, “I-can-drink-or-let-it-alone-as-I-see-fit,” is between the habitual and periodic men. This overconfidence is evidence of ignorance for as long as he drinks there is the liability of being compelled to become one or the other of the two kinds of stills, around which desire ghosts swarm, and where they comfort their insatiable cravings.

Besides the different desire ghosts of dead men which spring from each of the three roots of desire named, sexuality, greediness, and cruelty, there are many other phases of the ghosts, which one will detect and know how to treat when he understands the examples heretofore given, and when he understands how they apply to people beset and troubled by such desire ghosts of the dead.

It should not be supposed that because desire ghosts of dead men feed on living men, that all living men feed desire ghosts. Perhaps there is no one living who has not at some time felt the presence of a desire ghost, which he attracted and fed by giving vent to lascivity, ugliness, vulgarity, envy, jealousy, hatred, or other explosions; but desire ghosts of dead men cannot become familiars of, nor obsess and feed on, all living men. The presence of a desire ghost may be known by the nature of the influence which it brings.

Certain vampires are desire ghosts of dead men. Desire ghosts prey upon the sleeping as upon the waking. Above (The Word, Oct., 1913) have been mentioned the vampires, which are the desire ghosts of dead men, and which prey upon living bodies in sleep. Vampires are usually of the sensuality class. They nourish themselves by absorption of a certain immaterial essence they have caused the sleeper to lose. Usually they approach the dreaming sleeper under the guise of a favorite of the opposite sex. But the attractive appearance is, after all, only the disguise of a sexual desire ghost from among the vile and evil dead.

Protection may be had by the victim if the victim really dislikes his or her part as a field of operations for the foraging dead. Protection is had by an effort at being chaste. The effort must be not a sham; it may be an humble effort, but must be an effort, made in waking hours and sincerely and honestly. Hypocrisy in the presence of the Higher Self is an occult sin.

No vampire ghost of the dead or of the living can enter the atmosphere of a sleeper unless his thoughts and desires during waking hours have permitted passively or cooperated positively with the intent of the ghost.

(To be continued)