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Harold W. Percival


Symbols I-A, I-B, I-C, I-D, I-E indicate THE COSMOGONY outlined in these pages

To show the Spheres, Worlds, Planes and States of Matter on one page of this book would be impossible. Therefore, each will be given separately.


Fig. I-A

Circle of the Twelve Nameless Points and the Four Spheres Fire sphere Air sphere Water sphere Earth sphere

The Points are to symbolize Presences. By their Presence all parts of the all-inclusive One are kept in right relation according to the Eternal Order of Progression through the Realm of Permanence.

The spheres and, in the symbols to follow, the worlds and planes and states of matter, are, each, divided by a horizontal diameter. The upper half represents the unmanifested which is throughout the circle, and the lower half symbolizes the manifested.


Fig. I-B

The Earth Sphere and the Four Worlds Light world Life world Form world Invisible physical world or Realm of Permanence


Fig. I-C

Invisible Physical World or Realm of Permanence Light-plane Life-plane Form-plane Physical plane of the Realm of Permanence Human Physical world and its four planes The smallest circle on the lowest, the physical plane, represents the four states of matter

Owing to a deviation from, an interruption in, the Eternal Order of Progression, there is on the physical plane of the Realm of Permanence, the temporal:

Human Physical World

which is of four planes: the light, life, form and physical planes.

* * *

These two worlds differ in that the Realm of Permanence is of balanced units and is therefore not attuned to human senses, while the Human Physical World is of unbalanced units and is in small part visible.

In the text, unless otherwise stated, it is the human physical world—not the Realm of Permanence—that is referred to by the term “physical world.”


Fig. I-D

The Physical Plane of the Human Physical World Radiant state of matter Airy state Fluid state Solid state The four substates of the solid state

In the four substates of the solid state are the stars, sun, moon, and the earth, (Fig. I-E).

* * *

All these states are invisible to the human eye, but some of the objects in the four substates of the solid state can be perceived by the human.


Fig. I-E

Solid state of matter Radiant-solid substate Airy-solid substate Fluid-solid substate Solid-solid substate Earth, and the visible part of the physical universe Stars Solar universe Moon

The visible physical universe is of and in the four substances of the solid state of the physical plane of the temporal human physical world, namely: the stars in the radiant-solid, the solar universe in the airy-solid, the moon in the fluid-solid, and the earth in the solid-solid substate of the solid state of matter.

* * *

In the four substates of the solid state is also the fourfold physical human body, (Fig. III), the visible solid-solid body corresponding to the earth.


There are four kinds of units: A) Nature Units B) Aia Units C) Intelligent Units D) Intelligence Units

Chart II-A


Nature Units:

In the four spheres of fire, air, water, and earth are the units of the four great elements of primordial fire, air, water, and earth.

The four worlds are in the manifested side of the sphere of earth:

  • In the light world, the units are light units
    In the life world, the units are life units
    In the form world, the units are form units
    In the physical world, the units are physical units

The units of the planes of the physical world are:

  • Light units, life units, form units, and physical units

The units of four states of matter of the physical plane are:

  • Radiant or pyrogen units
    Airy or aerogen units
    Fluid or fluogen units
    Solid or geogen units

The units of the four substates of the solid state of the physical plane are:

  • Radiant-solid or pyro-geogen units
    Airy-solid or aero-geogen units
    Fluid-solid or fluo-geogen units
    Solid-solid or geo-geogen units

When a unit has passed through this course, the opposites in the unit are adjusted and are equal to each other, and the unit is then a balanced unit in a perfect physical body of a Triune Self in the Realm of Permanence.

In the temporal human physical world,—which is a “drop-out,” a cul-de-sac or blind alley in the Realm of Permanence,—the units are active-passive as man, or passive-active as woman, and are of four kinds: free, transient, compositor, and sense units.


Aia units are neutral units. They belong to the intelligent-side, but are the dividing point or line between intelligent-matter from nature-matter.


Triune self, or intelligent, units


Intelligence units

UNBALANCED UNITS on the Nature-side of the Human Physical World

Fig. II-B

Unmanifested aspect Manifested part Passive side Active side Passive side Active side

The active side of a unit is the side from which the unit is charged while in a human body.

A BALANCED UNIT of the Perfect Body in the Realm of Permanence

Fig. II-C

Unmanifested aspect Manifested part Passive side Active side

THE UNITS on the Nature-Side of the Spheres, Worlds and Planes

Fig. II-D

The units converging in the solid state of the physical plane of the human physical world,—visualized from the bird’s-eye viewpoint

Fig. II-E

The units converging in the visible, physical universe, as exemplified by the fourfold physical human body


Fig. II-F

a) Pyro or pyrogen point b) Pyrogen point Aero or aerogen point c) Pyrogen point Aerogen point Fluo or fluogen point d) Pyrogen point Aerogen point Fluogen point Geo or geogen point

The combining points of a nature unit of the four elements, as states of matter in the human physical world.


This figure symbolizes the Eternal Order of Progression of a unit: as a nature unit, on the nature-side, within the sphere of earth, through the light world, the life world, the form world to the permanent physical world or Realm of Permanence; to the degree of breath-form;—then by way of the aia point or neutral line, as an aia unit, to the degree of a Triune Self unit, on the intelligent-side.

Fig. II-G

Sphere of Earth Light world Life world Form world Realm of Permanence or permanent physical world Line of progression of unintelligent nature units Line of progression of intelligent units Human physical world Degree of breath-form Balance Aia point or line between nature units and intelligent units

The oblique line of arrows leading to the point of balance downward indicates the line of progression of the unintelligent units to the Realm of Permanence; the line leading from the point of balance upward on the intelligent-side indicates the line of progression of intelligent units.

The symbol also shows the line of descent into the temporal human world of birth and death and re-existence, by the doers that failed in the trial test of bringing their feeling-and-desire into balanced union.


This chart indicates the stages in which the unit progresses in being conscious in successively higher degrees,—from being a primordial unit of the element of fire to becoming an ultimate unit as an Intelligence, trained through the perfect sexless bodies in the Realm of Permanence.

Chart II-H

Ascent on the intelligent side Descent on the nature side The unit descends from: the element and Sphere of fire, to the Sphere of air, to the Sphere of water, to the Sphere of earth through the four worlds: Light world, Life world, Form world, Physical world, through the four planes: Light plane, Life plane, Form plane, Physical plane, and its four states of matter: Radiant state, Airy state, Fluid state, and the Solid state with its three invisible substates: Radiant-solid, Airy-solid, Fluid-solid, and the visible Solid-solid substate, to the last degree of a nature unit as the: breath-form unit; to the aia degree. Then the unit ascends, first, as a Triune Self unit in the worlds, and ultimately as an Intelligence in the spheres: As a knower, thinker, doer, of a Triune Self in the worlds; As an Intelligence unit of the Order of the: Knowers, Thinkers, Desirers. aia point or line

The progression of a unit starts as a nature unit on the nature-side; passes through the neutral state of an aia unit, as the point or neutral line; is translated into an intelligent-unit, and ascends on the intelligent-side, first, as a Triune Self unit and then as an Intelligence unit.


Fig. III

This symbol indicates the visible solid-solid body from which extend emanations, consisting of invisible particles which radiate from the solid-solid structures of the digestive, circulatory, respiratory and generative systems within the body; they extend from a few inches to a considerable distance, and make up the physical atmosphere. The emanations and radiations from the circulatory, the respiratory and the generative systems are here spoken of as the fluid, the airy and the radiant inner bodies or masses; these, together with the solid-solid body make up the fourfold physical body of man.


symbolizing the creation, the building and the exteriorization; and the experience, the learning from, and the balancing of a thought

Fig. IV-A

On the nature-side: On the intelligent-side: a The center is an object of desire received by an impression as a point a) Line of point matter a b b) Aim of desire. Aim line a–b: Standard angle of 30 degrees of line matter a b c c) Design of aim b–c: Standard angle of 30 degrees of angle matter a b c d d) Exteriorization of design c–d: Standard angle of 30 degrees of surface matter d e e) Experience line. Angle of 30 degrees d e f f) Learning line, from the experience. Angle of 30 degrees d e f g g) Balancing line, and knowledge from the learning. Angle of 30 degrees a b c d e f g Sum of the preceding lines, symbolizing the way a thought is balanced


Fig. IV-B

to to Rightness (Heart) Nature Impressions affect: Feeling (Kidneys) Desire (Adrenals) Reason (Lungs)
to to Rightness (Heart) Feeling (Kidneys) Desire (Adrenals) Reason (Lungs)

Ordinarily a person is governed by expediency: then, nature impressions control feeling; feeling arouses desire; desire ignores rightness and forces reason; and desire has its way.

In government by law and justice, rightness guides feeling; which prompts desire; desire agrees with reason. Then, feeling and desire are controlled by rightness and reason.


THE TRIUNE SELF of the human, its three parts and seven minds

Chart V-A

The three parts: The knower, as selfness and I-ness
The thinker, as reason and rightness
The doer, as desire and feeling
The seven minds: The mind of selfness
The mind of I-ness

The mind of reason
The mind of rightness
Not in connection with the doer-in-the-body

The mind of desire
The mind of feeling,

and, for the body and the senses:

The body-mind

In connection with, and at the service of the doer-in-the-body

THE TRIUNE SELF OF THE HUMAN and its three parts: the knower, the thinker, and the doer

* * *

This figure also serves to indicate the Four Worlds, through which are the Triune Self and the doer-in-the-body.

Fig. V-B

Light world The knower Life world The thinker Form world The doer The human physical world Noetic Mental Psychic atmospheres of the Triune Self Physical atmosphere of the human

The noetic, mental and psychic atmospheres of the human, are those portions of the atmospheres of the Triune Self that reach into the physical atmosphere of the human.

The physical atmosphere of the human, is made up of emanations from the fourfold physical body, which extend from a few inches to a considerable distance, (Fig. III).

its light-being in the light world
its life-being in the life world
its form-being in the form world
THE PERFECT PHYSICAL BODY for these three beings in the Realm of Permanence

Fig. V-B, a

The light-being of the Triune Self in the light world The life-being in the life world The form-being in the form world Permanent physical world or Realm of Permanence The human physical world The perfect sexless physical body for the knower, the thinker, and the doer of the Triune Self complete is in the Realm of Permanence.

The physical world may be considered from two viewpoints:

1) as the Realm of Permanence, where the doers progress that have passed the trial test of bringing their feeling-and-desire into balanced union; and,
2) the temporal human physical world, (Fig. V-B), where the doers that fail in that test continue to re-exist until they regenerate their bodies and restore them to the Realm of Permanence.

* * *

The physical bodies of the Triune Selves complete are in the Realm of Permanence. Through their perfect sexless physical bodies these Triune Selves govern the four worlds; and, through the Triune Selves of human beings they govern the temporal human world and administrate the destinies of nations as the individuals of those nations determine by their thoughts and acts.

The Three Orders of INTELLIGENCES and the Seven Faculties of an Intelligence

Fig. V-C

Sphere of fire The Order of the Knowers Sphere of air The Order of the Thinkers Sphere of water The Order of the Desirers Sphere of earth Light faculty I-am faculty Time faculty Motive faculty Image faculty Dark faculty Focus faculty

The Order of the Knowers is in relation to the sphere of fire
The Order of the Thinkers, to the sphere of air
The Order of the Desirers, to the sphere of water

In the worlds within the sphere of earth is the Triune Self.

A RE-EXISTING DOER PORTION and its States After Death

Fig. V-D

Life of physical body section After death dream of life section Judgment, Hell, Separation from gross desires section Separation from lower thought section Purification of breath-form section Purified breath-form section Composite happiness section Peaceful rest section Thought of life section Embryonic life section Placental life section Form of human body of sex section Span of earth life First three months of intra-uterine life Birth line Death line Second three months Third three months

The large circle symbolizes the psychic atmosphere of the doer. From the center to the circumference the twelve lines enclose sections which represent the stages of the symbolical roadway through which each doer portion in its turn, passes successively after death, from its life on earth to its next re-existence. The circle of the lowest section represents the physical life on earth. The opposite and highest circle represents the heaven period of happiness. The five circles on the right represent the after-death stages through which the doer portion passes to prepare it for its period of happiness. The five circles on the left represent the stages through which each doer portion in its turn passes on its return journey for its re-existence in the lowest circle as an appearance on the earth stage of physical life. The lowest line on the left separating the circles is the line or gate of birth. At the moment of birth the breath of the breath-form enters with the first gasp and the breath unites with its form in the heart. The lowest line on the right separating the circles is the line or gate of death. The half circle within that section represents the length or span of the doer’s inner life and thoughts in its rise from birth to its fullness and decline and death of the body. The outer part of the circle represents what is said and done to outside nature as the expression of its inner thoughts. Likewise, each of the circles signifies what the doer goes through in itself, and its effects on the stage through which it passes.

THE BREATH-FORM (the living soul) and The Twelve Stages after Death
1st stage: The breath-form is with the doer portion.
2nd stage: The breath-form is separated from the doer portion during the separation of the desires;
3rd stage: and during the separation of the thoughts.
4th stage: Purification of the breath-form.
5th stage: The breath-form is purified.
6th stage: The breath-form is united with the doer portion, which is in its heaven.
7th stage: The form of the breath-form is inert.
8th stage: Form and breath are summoned for activity.
9th stage: The form enters the mother of the doer portion next in line for re-existence. The breath is in the psychic atmosphere of that doer portion. Embryonic period.
10th stage: Placental life begins. Fetal period.
11th stage: Fetal period continued. Human body is made ready for birth.
12th stage: The breath enters through the infant’s lungs and unites with its form in the heart, being the breath-form at the moment of birth and until the death of the body.


This system consists of the Brain, the Spinal Cord and the Nerves issuing from these structures.


Fig. VI-A, a

Oval window Third ventricle Rear half Front half of Pituitary body Fourth ventricle Pineal body

This figure shows the contours of the brain; the 3rd and 4th ventricles (cavities) in the median line, with the oval window leading into the lateral ventricle of the right hemisphere, and the pituitary and the pineal bodies. The black areas represent the ventricles, which are continued downward as the central canal of the spinal cord.

The ventricles, the spaces between the convolutions of the brain, and the space immediately surrounding the body of the brain are for the passage of life and breath currents, of which next to nothing is known to the West.

Note how the 3rd ventricle reaches into the stem (infundibulum) and the rear part of the pituitary body; this rear part is the seat of the doer-in-the-body; the front part is the seat of the breath-form, which controls the involuntary functions of the body.


Fig. VI-A, b


Fig. VI-A, c

Gray matter Central matter White matter

Fig. VI-A, d

7th–cervical–1st vertebrae 12th–dorsal vertabrae–1st 5th–lumbar–1st Sacrum Coccyx Terminal filament
THE SPINAL CORD and Its Relation to the Spinal Column

The spinal cord proper reaches from the base of the brain to about the junction of the 12th dorsal and the 1st lumbar vertebrae; its prolongation downward is called the terminal filament, which is anchored below to the coccyx. The spinal cord has a central canal, the prolongation downward of the ventricles of the brain; below, in the embryo, this canal reaches to the end of the terminal filament, but in the adult it usually becomes clogged up within the filament and disappears more or less, in the run of human beings.

The spinal column is divided into five sections: the cervical, dorsal, and lumbar vertebrae, and the sacrum and coccyx. Bony processes and the shape of the vertebrae create openings on both sides through which pass spinal nerves to the neck, trunk, and upper and lower extremities, (Fig. VI-A, b).


This system consists of two main trunks or cords of ganglia (nerve centers), extending from the base of the brain to the coccyx, and situated partly on the right and left sides and partly in front of the spinal column; and, further, of three great nerve plexuses and many smaller ganglia in the body cavities; and of numerous nerve fibers extending from these structures. The two cords converge above in a small ganglion in the brain, and below in the coccygeal ganglion in front of the coccyx.

Fig. VI-B

Spinal column Vagus nerve Solar plexus

Fig. VI-C

In Fig. VI-B, to the left of the spinal column, is indicated one of the two cords of the involuntary nervous system. From it are seen to extend widespread ramifications of nerve fibers, which form the plexuses that are spread like spider webs over the digestive and the other organs in the body cavities; in the solar plexus they are joined by the vagus nerve of the voluntary system.

Fig. VI-C is a sketch indicating the two ganglionic cords of the involuntary system, converging below; running down between them is the spinal cord, terminating near the coccyx. On the sides are indicated the kidneys, topped by the adrenals.


The ovum in the female body and the spermatozoon in the male body correspond to the lunar germ and the solar germ, in one and the same person; these two germs are the material for a divine conception by the Triune Self, for the building of a perfected, sexless, regenerated body, out of which are to issue a form body for the doer, a life body for the thinker, and a light body for the knower of the Triune Self, (Fig. VI-D).

The lunar germ: Once a month a lunar germ is formed in the rear part of the pituitary body, (Fig. VI-A, a), and descends on the right side, along the trunk of the involuntary nervous system and its branches, (Fig. VI-B), to the solar plexus, where they become joined by the right vagus nerve of the voluntary system. Branches of these structures are widely distributed over the body cavities, especially over the organs of the digestive system, and are continued downward into the pelvis. As the lunar germ reaches the lowest point, it crosses over to the left side, by way of the coccygeal ganglion in front of the coccyx, and ascends to the region of the left kidney; but usually it drops back to the sex organs and is lost.

The solar germ: There is only one solar germ for each life. The ordinary course of the solar germ is: Once a year, in the course of six months, it descends from the region of the pineal body, in the right hemisphere of the spinal cord to the region of the first lumbar vertebra; then, during or in the course of six months, after crossing over to and ascending in the left hemisphere of the spinal cord, it returns to the head.


Regeneration begins with thinking when, by self-control, the lunar germ is not lost after it has reached the region of the left kidney, (Fig. VI-C); instead, it continues its upward course and ascends to the brain,—thus completing the first round.

The next month the lunar germ descends again, together with the succeeding lunar germ; if and when the lunar germs are saved for thirteen rounds, equal to one solar year, and the thirteen having merged into one, a divine conception takes place in the head, by the union of the lunar germ with the solar germ, through issuance of light from the pituitary and pineal bodies. So far only slight structural changes have taken place in the human body.

After this divine conception the germ descends on the right side as far as the pelvis; now, however, instead of ascending in the involuntary nervous system on the left side, it connects with the voluntary system by building a “bridge” from the coccygeal ganglion to the terminal filament, (which by this time has developed a central canal from above down to the coccyx).

The lunar germ then opens and enters the terminal filament and is thereby on the form path of The Great Way, and then passes upward to near the junction of the 1st lumbar and 12th dorsal vertebrae, within the central canal. Building the “bridge” and thus making the connection between the two nervous systems, marks a definite change in the structure of the body.

A divine conception is the beginning of the building of a perfect physical body, which is to be the medium for three finer bodies; that is, one, each, for the form-being of the doer, the life-being of the thinker, and the light-being of the knower of the Triune Self.

When the lunar germ has traveled upward within the filament as far as the 12th dorsal vertebra, it has developed into an embryonic form body; at that point it is met by and merges with the solar germ, which has descended in the right hemisphere of the spinal cord. Together they enter into and ascend through the central canal of the spinal cord, to the 7th cervical vertebra. The distance between the 12th dorsal and the 7th cervical marks the life path, and while on this path, the solar germ develops into an embryonic life body. Traveling up the central canal of the spinal cord, the embryonic form and the embryonic life bodies are met at the 7th cervical vertebra by a light germ from the pituitary body; this marks the beginning of the light path and of the embryonic light body. Then the embryonic light body, accompanied by the embryonic life and form bodies, advances through the medulla oblongata and the pons varolii to the pineal body, opens the pineal and fills all ventricles and the spaces between the convolutions and immediately around the brain, with light. Later, the three embryonic bodies reach their full development and ascend through the top of the head, and the doer, the thinker and the knower of the Triune Self are established therein. The doer has then reached perfection, and the Triune Self complete is in a perfected, sexless, regenerated, immortal physical body, and at the end of The Great Way. The other two of the threefold Way, The Way of thinking and The Way in the interior of the earth, have then been successfully traveled.

1) The Way in the body, and its three sections: the form path, the life path, and the light path
2) The front- or nature-cord
3) The spinal cord or cord for the Triune Self
4) The “bridge” that has been built between the two nervous systems
5) The central canal, running down through the nature-cord, across the “bridge” and up through the spinal cord to:
6) The pituitary and the pineal bodies

Fig. VI-D

Pituitary body Pineal body The front- or nature-cord The spinal cord or cord for the Triune Self The “bridge” Light path Life path Form path of The Way in the body

On the form path, extending from the end of the terminal filament to the 12th dorsal vertebra, a form body is developed for the doer, the psychic part of the Triune Self, the being of the form world.

On the life path, extending from the 12th dorsal to the 7th cervical vertebra, a life body is developed for the thinker, the mental part of the Triune Self, the being of the life world.

On the light path, extending from the 7th to the 1st cervical vertebra, a light body is developed for the knower, the noetic part of the Triune Self, the being of the light world.

When the human physical body has been rebuilt and its reconstruction into a perfect, immortal body is completed, that body need not be sustained by the gross foods of this earth. Certain nerve currents come into the body chiefly by way of the sense organs and their nerves; they pass along the central canal of the front-cord, of the “bridge,” and of the spinal cord and upwards into what are now the ventricles of the brain. In their uninterrupted passage through the canal of the two cords, the units making up these currents are charged with power by the Triune Self, and so the body is enabled to serve as a powerhouse through which nature is energized and empowered.

There is then no longer any need for the generative, respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems as they are now, and the organs at present serving these systems have become transformed. In their places, structures resembling those of the nervous systems fill the four body cavities: these structures are here spoken of as the four brains: the pelvic brain for the perfect physical body; the abdominal brain for the doer and its form body; the thoracic brain for the thinker and its life body; and the cephalic brain for the knower and its light body. By virtue of these brains, the three parts of the Triune Self can each thus act separately in its respective body, or together, and with or through the physical body.

When the body has been regenerated many significant changes have taken place: The present sternum with the esophagus and what has remained of the stomach and intestines, have been converted into a resilient, tubular column, the front- or nature-column, which is analogous to and resembles somewhat the spinal column; within this tube is the front- or nature-cord, made up of what are now the two main trunks of the involuntary nervous system and of the nerve structures belonging to that system. Joined with the nature-cord are the two vagus nerves, which are, however, under the direct control of the voluntary system. From the front-column, (Fig. VI-D), extend half arches to both sides, similarly to the present ribs, with which the half-arches are joined. A “bridge,” a direct connection, has been established in the pelvis between the two nervous systems, of which even now indications may be seen in slender fibrils that run between the two systems. Running down within the nature-cord, then across the bridge and upward in the spinal cord is a continuous canal, which, as stated above, is for the passage of breath and nerve currents, and for the use of the doer, the thinker, and the knower.

The present ganglia and nerve plexuses of both systems are greatly augmented and fill the body cavities; they form the four brains before mentioned. The body is by that time largely a body of nerves.


As stated in the text, the sternum is the vestigial remains of the front- or nature-column of the once perfect body,—prior to the “fall” of the doer.

Fig. VI-E

In this connection it is worthwhile to quote from Cunningham’s “Textbook of Anatomy,” 4th edition, page 767:

The Morphology of the Sympathetic Nervous System:

“The philogenetic relation of the sympathetic and the cerebro-spinal elements in the system it is impossible to determine. It may be that the sympathetic system is the representative of an ancient architecture independent of the cerebro-spinal nervous system, the materials of which are utilized for a more modern nervous system; or it may be that the correlation of spinal nerves and sympathetic are both the consequences of the formation of new organs and structures in the splanchnic area. Examined in every light, it possesses features which effectually differentiate it from the cerebro-spinal system, although it has become inextricably united with it and subservient to it.”


Fig. VII-A

♈︎ ♉︎ ♊︎ ♋︎ ♌︎ ♍︎ ♎︎ ♏︎ ♐︎ ♑︎ ♒︎ ♓︎
Symbolizing: Corresponding to:
♈︎ ARIES Consciousness Head
♉︎ TAURUS Motion Neck
♊︎ GEMINI Substance Shoulders
♋︎ CANCER Breath Breasts
♌︎ LEO Life Heart
♍︎ VIRGO Form Prostate and womb
♎︎ LIBRA Sex Crotch
♏︎ SCORPIO Desire Male organ and clitoris
♐︎ SAGITTARY Thought Terminal filament
♑︎ CAPRICORN Self-knowledge Spinal cord opposite heart
♒︎ AQUARIUS Conscious Sameness Spinal cord opposite shoulders
♓︎ PISCES Pure Intelligence or Abstract Will Spinal cord opposite cervical vertabrae


Fig. VII-B

♈︎ ♉︎ ♊︎ ♋︎ ♌︎ ♍︎ ♎︎ ♏︎ ♐︎ ♑︎ ♒︎ ♓︎ ♈︎ ♋︎ ♑︎ ♈︎ ♋︎ ♑︎ ♈︎

From libra, the physical body, man by thinking may extend lines towards every point in nature and be related to the Intelligences, and even to the nameless points on the Nameless Circle.


Fig. VII-C

♈︎ ♉︎ ♊︎ ♋︎ ♌︎ ♍︎ ♎︎ ♏︎ ♐︎ ♑︎ ♒︎ ♓︎


Fig. VII-D


The Zodiac as a MONAD

Fig. VII-E

♈︎ ♉︎ ♊︎ ♋︎ ♌︎ ♍︎ ♎︎ ♏︎ ♐︎ ♑︎ ♒︎ ♓︎


Fig. VII-F

a) ♋︎ ♋︎ ♑︎ ♑︎ Unmanifested Manifested
b) ♈︎ ♈︎ ♎︎ ♎︎ Nature-side Intelligent-side


Fig. VII-G

♈︎ ♌︎ ♐︎
Fire Triad
♉︎ ♍︎ ♑︎
Air Triad
♊︎ ♎︎ ♒︎
Water Triad
♋︎ ♏︎ ♓︎
Earth Triad
The Four Triads

THE TETRADS as squares

Fig. VII-H

a) ♈︎ ♋︎ ♎︎ ♑︎
The Standard Square
b) ♉︎ ♌︎ ♏︎ ♒︎
The Male Square
c) ♊︎ ♍︎ ♐︎ ♓︎
The Female Square
The Three Tetrads as Squares

THE TETRADS as crosses

Fig. VII-J

a) ♈︎ ♋︎ ♎︎ ♑︎
The Standard Cross
b) ♉︎ ♌︎ ♏︎ ♒︎
The Male Cross
c) ♊︎ ♍︎ ♐︎ ♓︎
The Female Cross
The Three Tetrads as Crosses


Fig. VII-K

a) ♈︎ ♊︎ ♌︎ ♐︎ ♒︎
The unmanifested universal pentad, representing the aia in a perfect body.
b) ♊︎ ♌︎ ♎︎ ♐︎ ♒︎
The manifested universal pentad, representing the breath-form in the body.
c) ♈︎ ♊︎ ♌︎ ♎︎ ♐︎ ♒︎
The unmanifested and the manifested pentads, representing the aia and the breath-form in a perfect body.
d) ♉︎ ♍︎ ♏︎ ♑︎ ♓︎
Male Human Pentad
e) ♉︎ ♋︎ ♍︎ ♏︎ ♓︎
Female Human Pentad
f) ♉︎ ♋︎ ♍︎ ♏︎ ♑︎ ♓︎
The male and the female pentads in the human body.
g) ♈︎ ♉︎ ♊︎ ♋︎ ♌︎ ♍︎ ♎︎ ♏︎ ♐︎ ♑︎ ♒︎ ♓︎
The human body as the unmanifested and the manifested universe and the male and female pentads operating therein.


Fig. VII-L

a) ♈︎ ♊︎ ♌︎ ♎︎ ♐︎ ♒︎
The Universal Hexad
b) ♉︎ ♋︎ ♍︎ ♏︎ ♑︎ ♓︎
The Human Hexad
c) ♈︎ ♊︎ ♌︎ ♎︎ ♐︎ ♒︎
While in the course of regeneration the male and female pentads think and work coordinately, equally, in the same body, the body changes from an unbalanced sexual to a balanced sexless body. This universal hexad symbolizes a sexless physical body in which the aia is manifested and linked with the breath-form to operate nature as the direct instrument of the Triune Self complete.