The Word Foundation
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Harold W. Percival


Section 1 There is a purpose and a plan in the Universe. The law of thought. Religions. The soul. Theories concerning the destiny of the soul.
Section 2 The soul.
Section 3 Outline of a system of the Universe. Time. Space. Dimensions.
Section 4 Plan relating to the earth sphere.
Section 5 Transition of a breath-form unit to the state of aia. Eternal Order of Progression. The Government of the world. The “fall of man.” Regeneration of the body. Passage of a unit from the nature-side to the intelligent-side.
Section 1 The law of thought in religions and in accidents.
Section 2 An accident is an exteriorization of a thought. Purpose of an accident. Explanation of an accident. Accidents in history.
Section 3 Religions. Gods. Their claims. The need of religions. The moral code.
Section 4 The wrath of God. The destiny of humanity. The innate faith in justice.
Section 5 The story of original sin.
Section 6 The moral code in religions.
Section 1 Matter. Units. An Intelligence. A Triune Self. A human being.
Section 2 Mind. Thinking. A thought is a being. The atmospheres of the Triune Self. How thoughts are generated.
Section 3 Course and exteriorization of a thought. The innate idea of justice.
Section 4 The law of thought. Exteriorizations and interiorizations. Psychic, mental, and noetic results. The power of thought. Balancing a thought. Cycles.
Section 5 How exteriorizations of a thought are brought about. Agents of the law. Hastening or delaying destiny.
Section 6 Duties of a human being. Responsibility. Conscience. Sin.
Section 7 The law of thought. Physical, psychic, mental, and noetic destiny.
Section 1 What physical destiny includes.
Section 2 Outward circumstances as physical destiny.
Section 3 Physical heredity is destiny. Healthy or sickly bodies. Unjust persecutions. Errors of justice. Congenital idiots. The span of life. Manner of death.
Section 4 Money. The money god. Poverty. Reversals. The born thief. There is no accident of wealth or inheritance.
Section 5 Group destiny. Rise and fall of a nation. The facts of history. Agents of the law. Religions as group destiny. Why a person is born into a religion.
Section 6 The Government of the world. How the destinies of the individual, the community, or the nation are made by thinking; and how destiny is administered.
Section 7 Possible chaos in the world. Intelligences govern the order of events.
Section 1 Form destiny. Strictly psychic destiny. Six classes of psychic destiny. The aia. The breath-form.
Section 2 Form destiny. Prenatal influences. Six classes of psychic destiny.
Section 3 Form destiny. Prenatal influences. Conception. Fetal development.
Section 4 Prenatal influences of parents. Thoughts of the mother. Inheritance of former thoughts.
Section 5 The first few years of life. Psychic inheritance.
Section 6 Mediumship. Materializations. Seances.
Section 7 Clairvoyance. Psychic powers.
Section 8 Pranayama. Psychic phenomena by wonder-workers.
Section 9 Personal magnetism.
Section 10 Vibrations. Colors. Astrology.
Section 11 Religions, as psychic destiny.
Section 12 Psychic destiny comprises government and institutions.
Section 13 Psychic destiny comprises party and class spirits.
Section 14 Habits, customs and fashions are psychic destiny.
Section 15 Gambling. Drinking. The spirit of alcohol.
Section 16 Gloom, pessimism, malice, fear, hope, joyousness, trust, ease,—as psychic destiny.
Section 17 Sleep.
Section 18 Dreams. Nightmares. Obsessions in dreams. Deep sleep. Time in sleep.
Section 19 Hallucinations. Somnambulism. Hypnosis.
Section 20 The process of dying. Cremation. To be conscious at the moment of death.
Section 21 After death. Communications with the dead. Apparitions. The doer becomes conscious that its body has died.
Section 22 The twelve stages of the doer, from one earth life to the next. After death the doer leads a composite life. The judgment. Hell is made by desires. The devil.
Section 23 Heaven is a reality. Re-existence of the succeeding doer portion.
Section 1 The mental atmosphere of the human.
Section 2 An Intelligence. The Triune Self. The three orders of Intelligences. The Light of the Intelligence.
Section 3 Real thinking. Active thinking; passive thinking. The three minds of the doer. About lack of terms. Rightness-and-reason. The seven minds of the Triune Self. A human thought is a being and has a system. Exteriorizations of a thought.
Section 4 Human thinking goes along beaten paths.
Section 5 Character of the mental atmosphere of the human. Moral aspect of thinking. The ruling thought. Mental attitude and mental set. Sense-knowledge and self-knowledge. Conscience. Honesty of the mental atmosphere. Results of honest thinking. Dishonest thinking. Thinking a lie.
Section 6 Responsibility and duty. Sense-learning and sense-knowledge. Doer-learning and doer-knowledge. Intuition.
Section 7 Genius.
Section 8 The four classes of human beings.
Section 9 Conception of a Beginning. The permanent physical world or Realm of Permanence, and the four earths. The trial test of the sexes. The “fall” of the doer. Doers became subject to re-existence in man and woman bodies.
Section 10 Prehistoric history. First, Second, and Third Civilization on the human earth. Fallen doers from inside the earth.
Section 11 A Fourth Civilization. Wise men. Rises and falls of cycles. Rise of the latest cycle.
Section 12 The forms of nature come through the breath-forms of human beings. There is progression, but no evolution. The entities in animal and plant forms are cast off feelings and desires of man. The entities in vermin, in flowers.
Section 13 History of the kingdoms of nature. Creation by breath and speech. Thinking under the type of two. The human body is the pattern of the kingdoms of nature. The intelligence in nature.
Section 14 This is an age of thought. Schools of thought.
Section 15 Mysticism.
Section 16 Spiritism.
Section 17 Schools of thought that use thinking to produce directly physical results. Mental healing.
Section 18 Thoughts are the seeds of a disease.
Section 19 Purpose of a disease. The real cure. About schools of thought to banish disease and poverty.
Section 20 Thinking against a disease. Other ways of mental healing. There is no escape from payment and from learning.
Section 21 Mental healers and their procedures.
Section 22 Faith.
Section 23 Animal magnetism. Hypnotism. Its dangers. Trance states. Painless injuries inflicted, while in trance.
Section 24 Self-hypnosis. Recovery of forgotten knowledge.
Section 25 Self-suggestion. Intentional use of passive thinking. Examples of a formula.
Section 26 The Eastern Movement. Eastern record of knowledge. Degeneration of the ancient knowledge. The atmosphere of India.
Section 27 The breath. What the breath does. The psychic breath. The mental breath. The noetic breath. The fourfold physical breath. Pranayama. Its dangers.
Section 28 The system of Patanjali. His eight steps of yoga. Ancient commentaries. Review of his system. Inner meaning of some Sanskrit words. The ancient teaching of which traces survive. What the West wants.
Section 29 The Theosophical Movement. The teachings of Theosophy.
Section 30 States of the human being in deep sleep.
Section 31 Mental destiny in the after death states. The round of twelve stages from life to life. Hells and heavens.
Section 1 Knowledge of the conscious self in the body. The noetic world. Self-knowledge of the knower of the Triune Self. When knowledge of the conscious self in the body is available to the human.
Section 2 The test and trial of the sexes. Projection of a female form. Illustrations. History of the Triune Self.
Section 3 The Light of the Intelligence. The Light in the knower of the Triune Self; in the thinker; in the doer. The Light that has gone into nature.
Section 4 The intelligence in nature comes from human beings. The pull of nature for Light. Loss of Light into nature.
Section 5 Automatic return of Light from nature. The lunar germ. Self-control.
Section 6 Reclamation of Light by self-control. Loss of the lunar germ. Retention of the lunar germ. The solar germ. Divine, or “immaculate,” conception in the head. Regeneration of the physical body. Hiram Abiff. Origin of Christianity.
Section 7 Three degrees of Light from Intelligences. Thinking without creating thoughts or destiny. Bodies for the doer, the thinker, and the knower of the Triune Self, within the perfect physical body.
Section 8 Free will. The problem of free will.
Section 1 Recapitulation: Make-up of a human being. The Triune Self. The Light of the Intelligence. A human body as the link between nature and the doer. Death of the body. The doer after death. Re-existence of the doer.
Section 2 Four kinds of units. Progression of units.
Section 3 Raising of the aia to be a Triune Self in the Realm of Permanence. Duty of its doer, in the perfect body. Feeling-and-desire produced a change in the body. The twain, or dual body. Trial and test of bringing feeling-and-desire into balanced union.
Section 4 The “fall of man,” i.e. the doer. Changes in the body. Death. Re-existence in a male or a female body. The doers now on earth. Circulations of units through the bodies of humans.
Section 5 Fourth Civilization. Changes on the earth crust. Forces. Minerals, plants and flowers. The varied types were produced by human thoughts.
Section 6 Fourth Civilization. Lesser civilizations.
Section 7 Fourth Civilization. Governments. Ancient teachings of the Light of the Intelligence. Religions.
Section 8 The doers now on earth came from a prior earth age. Failure of the doer to improve. The story of feeling-and-desire. The spell of the sexes. The purpose of re-existences.
Section 9 Importance of the flesh body. Reclamation of Light. Death of the body. Wanderings of the units. Return of units to a body.
Section 10 The doer-in-the-body. Error in the conception of “I.” The personality and re-existence. The doer portion after death. The portions not in the body. How a doer portion is drawn out for re-existence.
Section 11 The thoughts summarized at moment of death. Events determined then, for the next life. The flare-up in classic Greece. Something about the Jews. The stamp of a God at birth. Family. The sex. Cause of changing the sex.
Section 12 Also predetermined is the kind of body. Physical heredity and how it is limited. Chief mundane occupations. Diseases. The chief events in life. How destiny can be overcome.
Section 13 The time between existences. About the heavenly bodies. Time. Why people fit into the age in which they live.
Section 14 Everything after death is destiny. Inventors. Classic Hellas. Re-existence in nation groups. Centers of succeeding civilizations. Greece, Egypt, India.
Section 15 Training of the doer portion though memory is not present. The body-mind. Doer-memory. Sense-memory. A good memory. Memory after death.
Section 16 Why it is fortunate that the human does not remember previous existences. The training of the doer. A human thinks of himself as a body with a name. To be conscious of and as. The false “I” and its illusions.
Section 17 When re-existences of a doer portion stop. A “lost” doer portion. The hells inside the earth crust. The lecherous. The drunkards. Drug fiends. The state of a “lost” doer. Regenerating the physical body. The test in which the doers failed.
Section 18 Summary of preceding chapters. Consciousness is the One Reality. Man as the center of the world of time. Circulations of the units. Permanent institutions. Records of thoughts are made in points. The destiny of human beings is written in the starry spaces. Balancing a thought. Cycles of thinking. Glamour in which things are seen. Sensations are elementals. Why nature seeks the doer. Illusions. The essential things in life.
Section 1 Religions; on what they are founded. Why belief in a personal God. Problems a religion must meet. Any religion is better than none.
Section 2 Classes of Gods. The Gods of religions; how they come into existence. How long they last. Appearance of a God. Changes of a God. Gods have only what human beings have who create and keep them. The name of a God. Christian Gods.
Section 3 The human qualities of a God. The knowledge of a God. His objects and interests. Relations of a God. The moral code. Flattery. How Gods lose their power. What a God can do for his worshippers; what he cannot do. After death. Unbelievers. Prayer.
Section 4 Benefits of a belief in a God. Seeking God. Prayer. Outside teachings and the inner life. Inner teachings. Twelve types of teachings. Jehovah worship. The Hebrew letters. Christianity. St. Paul. The story of Jesus. Symbolic events. The Kingdom of Heaven, and the Kingdom of God. The Christian Trinity.
Section 5 Interpretation of Bible sayings. The story of Adam and Eve. The trial and test of the sexes. “Fall of man.” Immortality. St. Paul. Regeneration of the body. Who and what was Jesus? Mission of Jesus. Jesus, a pattern for man. The order of Melchisedec. Baptism. The sexual act, the original sin. The Trinity. Entering the Great Way.
Section 1 The “Descent” of man. There is no evolution without, first, involution. The mystery of germ cell development. The future of the human. The Great Way. Brotherhoods. Ancient Mysteries. Initiations. Alchemists. Rosicrucians.
Section 2 The Triune Self complete. The Threefold Way, and the three paths of each Way. The lunar, solar, and light germs. Divine, “immaculate” conception. The form, life, and light paths of The Way in the body.
Section 3 The Way of thinking. Honesty and truthfulness as the foundation of progress. Physical, psychic, mental requirements. Changes in the body in the process of regeneration.
Section 4 Entering The Way. A new life opens. Advances on the form, life, and light paths. The lunar, solar, and light germs. Bridge between the two nervous systems. Further changes in the body. The perfect, immortal, physical body. The three inner bodies for the doer, the thinker, the knower of the Triune Self, within the perfect physical body.
Section 5 The Way in the earth. The ongoer leaves the world. The form path; what he sees there. Shades of the dead. “Lost” portions of doers. The choice.
Section 6 The ongoer on the life path; on the light path, in the earth. He knows who he is. Another choice.
Section 7 Preparing oneself to enter upon The Way. Honesty and truthfulness. The regenerative breath. The four stages in thinking.
Section 1 Creation of a thought. Method of thinking by building within a point. Human thinking. Thinking done by Intelligences. Thinking which does not create thoughts, or destiny.
Section 2 Method of thinking in fashioning nature. The forms of nature come from human thoughts. Pre-chemistry.
Section 3 The constitution of matter. Units.
Section 4 Erroneous conceptions. Dimensions. The heavenly bodies. Time. Space.
Section 1 Geometrical symbols. The Circle with the Twelve Nameless Points. The value of the zodiacal symbol.
Section 2 What the zodiac and its twelve points symbolize.
Section 3 The zodiac related to the human body; to the Triune Self; to the Intelligence.
Section 4 The zodiac reveals the purpose of the Universe.
Section 5 The zodiac as a historical and prophetic record; as a clock to measure progress in nature and on the intelligent-side, and in the building out of a thought.
Section 6 Groups of zodiacal signs. Application to the human body.
Section 1 The system of thinking without creating destiny. With what it is concerned. With what it is not concerned. For whom it is presented. The origin of this system. No teacher is needed. Limitations. Preliminaries to be understood.
Section 2 Recapitulation: The make-up of the human being. Units. The senses. The breath. The breath-form. The aia. Human bodies and the outside universe.
Section 3 Recapitulation continued. The doer portion in the body. The Triune Self and its three parts. The twelve portions of the doer. How long a human is dissatisfied.
Section 4 Recapitulation continued. The doer as feeling and as desire. The twelve portions of the doer. The psychic atmosphere.
Section 5 Recapitulation continued. The thinker of the Triune Self. The three minds of the doer. The minds of the thinker and the knower. How desire speaks in place of rightness; the reversed round. The mental atmosphere.
Section 6 Recapitulation continued. The knower of the Triune Self, selfness and I-ness. The noetic atmosphere. What a human is conscious as. Isolation of feeling; of desire. Being conscious of Consciousness.
Section 7 The System of Thinking. What it is. Stages on: The Way to Conscious Immortality.