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Harold W. Percival



Section 3

The constitution of matter. Units.

Objects that last for ages, such as marble rock or granite, are not permanent in their make-up. They are in principle no more permanent than is a flowing river. The particles in both are constantly moving, though the contours of the marble and of the river are more lasting. There are streams of units which pass through marble, glass, bronze and all other solid objects in a constant flow. They carry away here some and there others of the units making up these solid objects and leave other units in their stead. Streams of units pass continuously through all the waters or fluids as through the solids. They pass through the air and the radiant matter in it. In no case are they visible, because human senses are not fine enough to perceive them. These senses can at best focus on geogen units when concreted so as to be a solid physical object. The general shape of a layer of marble or of a statue remains unchanged, because of the property of cohesion in the units, because the number of substitutions is small in proportion to the number of units making up the mass and because the substitutions are made so quickly. It is like a regiment which remains the same regiment, though soldiers drop out and others fill their places. The same streams which flow through inorganic matter and bring about substitutions of the units in a compound, also flow through plants, and animal and human bodies. In these organic things the form is the distinct principle which preserves the outline, the limits.

As the streams pass through the geogen layer some of the units in the streams combine with or carry away some of the units of the layer, of the combinations, of the compounds and of the objects in the layer. So the streams build up, maintain and break down structures in the layer.

In inorganic nature the combinations may produce a perfect structure, an imperfect structure or a mass without structure. A perfect structure is produced where the units enter each other. They enter each other at points, those which are the last points common to both units. The results may be that the units change each other, or that the parent units remain and an offspring grows from them or that the parent units disappear in the offspring. In any case the result is a combination, not a growth. At the combining point a line which is a new matter line, is extended by point matter, new line matter makes a new aim line, new angle matter is added and a new surface comes into existence which is limited by the curve. An imperfect structure comes into existence when the combining units do not enter each other and no new matter line is formed, but their surfaces come together. They adhere and the combination is superficial, not integral. In the third case the combination has no structure, but is mass, amorphous.

Thus a diamond, graphite, and lampblack are examples of a perfect structure, of an imperfect structure, and of a mass without structure, made by units of geogen. Similar manifestations of units belonging to pyrogen and its groups are, starlight, which has a perfect structure, being a oneness built by self-generation from points of form matter; the stars which have an imperfect structure and are built by the coming together of surfaces of starlight; and a flash of lightning which has no structure, but is made of pyrogen units brought into a mere mass.

A diamond comes into existence if all the combining units are of the same kind, that is, belong to the geogen group. If the strain is of unqualified geogen units or of units belonging to the pyro-geogen group and the subgroups are all pyro subgroups, a white diamond comes finally into existence. If the subgroups are not pyro subgroups there will be a shade of color in the diamond. If the strain is of aero-geogen and the subgroups are all aero subgroups, a blue diamond results. A yellow diamond appears when the strain is of fluo-geogen, and a red diamond is the result of a strain of geo-geogen. If the marrying units are of the geogen kind but belong to different geogen groups, other colored stones such as rubies, beryls, a variation of which is the emerald, or amethysts, which are quartz, come into existence.

All things that are organic have a system on which they are constructed. In inorganic nature only crystals show a structure. Inorganic nature is made up of conglomerations of masses of units, organic nature is made up of units which are built into structures, have a definite design and are governed by superior units. All the units in a petal or in a grain of pollen have their governing units, and these are under the unit of the flower as a whole. In a human body the units are arranged in hierarchies. The lowest of the governing units is the breath link unit of a cell; the highest is the sense of smell. In the structure of a human body all the compositor units, that is, the breath link units, the life link units, the form link units, the cell link units in the cells, the governing units of the various organs in the four systems and the four senses, remain throughout life, held together by the breath-form. All other units are transient and come and go through food, drink, air and light, and also with the all penetrating streams which constantly bear them on.

Some of the units in nature act on or are acted on by others. They function in this way whether they are single or are in combinations in inorganic nature, or when their combinations are in organic nature under a superior unit which operates the structure of which they form a part.

According to their functions there are causal, portal, form and structure units. The causal units bring things into existence and cause the changes in them; the portal units carry on the circulations of units in all things; the form units hold things together in forms; the structure units build solids and so make bodies for the other three to function in. The causal are the pyrogen units, the portal the aerogen units, the form the fluogen units and the structure the geogen units, and each of the kinds has in it a group of four. So the units of the pyrogen group function as pyro-causals, aero-causals, fluo-causals, or geo-causals; and each group has many subgroups of fours.

In a geogen unit work the other three kinds, the causal, the portal, and the form units. When a physical structure is built it can be built only with geogen or structure units. They are the building material. They make up the solid world; without them there could be none.

The form or fluogen units hold the structure units in place and keep things as they are, giving and maintaining the frame and the form of objects. They hold also the portal and the causal units. The portals and the causals work through the form units. One form unit connects with another and so they form the mass of structure units, as a block of marble or a heart. The action of the form unit is like that of a kaleidoscope in which the same bits of glass appear in a variety of patterns. The form units are the units that give to a mass of structure units the character of gold or tin, or of a strawberry or a pepper. The character is given by arranging the structure units in form. A statue retains the outline given to it, because the form units in the mass of structure units hold that mass in the shape given to it by the sculptor.

The portal or aerogen units circulate through the form units. They carry the causals around with them. Without the portals the causals could not act on the form units. The portals are life and carry life.

The causal or pyrogen units are contained within a portal, as the portals are within a form unit and form units in a structure unit. They are the beginners, the generators, the changers and the destroyers. If the form units are no longer able to maintain the form, the causals acting within the portals and the portals acting within the form units start the breaking down of the form and of the structure.

To have a structure there must be building blocks, the geogen units. To hold the structure there must be form units in these structure units. The bound form units connect with unbound transient form units which pass through the structure as water flows through a sponge. Some of the unbound are caught and bound into the form units of the structure units while some of the form units in the structure are carried off. The portals in the form units connect with the unbound transient portals which pass through the bound form units, and hold those of the portals which they need, while some of the bound portals are carried off with the stream of unbound portals. The portals are the life of the structure. The causals in the bound portals connect with the unbound causals which the ever moving streams of matter of the form plane carry through the portals which are held by the form units. Some of the bound causals capture and hold some of the unbound causals and the stream of causals carries away some of the bound causals. The causals remaining in the portals are the active causes that bring about every change that takes place. They bring about the dissolution of the form when the form units are no longer able to maintain it. Then the bound causals, making contact with unbound causals, relate them with the form units of the structure, and that is broken up.

The activities of the various units are based on the system of point, line, angle and surface limited by the curve. Of the unbound units streaming through a structure which are caught by bound units in it, the causal are caught by the causal, the portal by the portal, the form by the form units, and the structure by the structure units. The bound units which are carried out of the structure with unbound units, are taken in like manner, the causal by the causal, the portal by the portal, the form by the form units, and the structure by the structure units.

A geogen unit can catch a pyrogen unit only at the pyro point of the geogen unit, and that pyrogen point is the causal unit within the structure unit, (Fig. II-F). In the structure unit the causal unit is the point matter, the portal unit is the line matter and the form unit is the angle matter, while the geogen or structure unit itself is the surface. The same aspects are presented by the other kinds of units. So a pyrogen or causal unit is point matter in a structure unit, but it is surface matter among the unqualified pyrogen kind; there the point matter is a pyro-pyrogen unit, the line matter is an aero-pyrogen unit, and the angle matter is a fluo-pyrogen unit, and the geo-pyrogen unit is the final stage of angle matter before the unit becomes an unqualified pyrogen unit, which is a surface.

Though a causal or pyrogen unit is a surface in its own state it is only the pyro point in a structure or geogen unit or surface. A portal or aerogen unit is a surface among the unqualified aerogen kind, but in a structure unit it is line matter and is the aero point. A form or fluogen unit is a surface among its unqualified kind, but in a structure unit is angle matter and is the fluo point. Structure units are the building blocks of the physical universe.

When structure units build perfect structures they build from these pyro, aero, fluo or geo points, in them. What is built from pyro points is colorless, as rock crystals or colorless diamonds. What is built from aero points is blue as sapphires; what is built from fluo points is yellow, and what comes from geo points is red. This is so with perfect structures in inorganic nature, such as stone crystals and metal crystals. The variety of colors between the three primary colors is due to combinations of several units.

When structure units build imperfect structures they act as surfaces, but they act merely as surfaces and not from their points, that is, they do not enter each other. Thus they build up a common mass, that is, a mass which is not a crystal or a cell, by merely adhering to each other. Such masses as aqueous or igneous rocks are compacted by surface upon surface. There the structure units do not penetrate each other, but merely stick together by means of the cohesive power which lies in their form units.

When the structure is organic, built of cells after a design, it is built by structure units which penetrate each other. It is built by geogen point matter, which starts line matter, which develops angle matter, which becomes a surface, a living surface. The surfaces or building blocks meet at points, their geo points, and from there build up cell structure. They build it up on the system of the point, line, angle and surface. The new surface is a new cell. It separates from the parent cell at the geo point of the parent cell. So one cell becomes two. At the center of each new cell the development by point, line, angle and surface is repeated, until the structure of the body built by cells is complete.

The causal, portal, form and structure units not only build up structures, but are also the forces of nature. There are four earths: the radiant, airy, fluid, and solid masses. These are the passive or matter aspects of the four earth elements. In that condition the matter aspect of the units dominates their active side. The active or force aspect is streams of units which pass through the masses, and in those units the active side dominates the passive side. The source of these streams is the form plane. They flow continuously, though at some times they are more active than at others, and they flow in all directions at the same time.

Some of these streams, if they could be measured, would be found to be faster than the speed at which light is said to travel. They travel so fast that as they pass through they do not ordinarily affect solid objects or even the two lower layers of geogen and fluogen. Under conditions allowing contact these streams manifest as electricity, as light or as creative force, which are starlight; as heat, which is starlight and sunlight; as the force of flight, which is sunlight; as magnetism, which is moonlight and earthlight; and as gravitation, which is earthlight. At certain times these streams appear as other forces, at present unknown. The forces themselves are not vibrations, but they cause vibrations in the mass of passive units.

If the plexuses of the generative system were in contact with the forces of pyrogen or starlight, one could generate power in machines without fuel or other outside means. If the plexuses of the respiratory system were adjusted to the forces of aerogen or sunlight, one could fly and could impart to the body speed in traveling through the air; he could produce heat without fuel by adjusting aerogen units. If the plexuses of the circulatory system were in contact with fluogen or moonlight, one could have lightness of body and could rise in the air or move in the water, produce varying colors in vegetation and control the sap of plants. If the plexuses of the digestive system were in contact with geogen or earthlight, one could increase or decrease his own weight and the weight in other bodies; he could precipitate the diffused geogen units into solid forms; he could magnetize bodies and cause them to attract or repel each other.

Fortunately this condition of human bodies does not exist at present. Any one of these forces would shatter the nervous system and possibly cause immediate death. Before one may attempt to use any of them one must have his body under control and not be controlled by it.

The growth, and the combining and compounding of the pyrogen, aerogen, fluogen, and geogen units, are accomplished on the principle of the point developing by line and angle towards the circle. Thoughts when they are issued are exteriorized by this principle because nature has to follow the pattern which is in the thought.

Not only in the immediate exteriorization of thoughts into acts, objects and events is this principle followed but also in the remote and indirect exteriorizations which are the phenomena in the maintenance of outside nature. These are brought about by the transient pyrogen, aerogen, fluogen and geogen units which received their impress from thinking while they passed through human bodies. They make a leaden sky, a coppery afterglow, the frosting on a windowpane, the gold in the earth and all the fauna and flora. The extension of a point towards a circle is always the plan on which nature works. The result of the growth is their development.

The units come as free units from the other spheres into the earth sphere and there, through the light, life and form worlds, into the physical world. There they descend through the light, the life and the form planes to the physical plane of the physical world. They pass as free units through all objects on the physical plane. They are unattracted and unattached, but they are affected while passing through bodies. Units do not affect other units and have no power over them as such. The only things that can affect them and bring about a change in them are thinking and the Light of the Intelligence used in thinking. The change is brought about in the units, whether they be of the spheres or worlds or planes, as they pass through bodies. So the units of the sphere of fire are changed in their make-up and their activities until they come from sphere to sphere and world to world down to the solid state of the form plane of the physical world.

From there they grow out through the pyro-pyro-pyro-pyro-pyrogen stage, through subgroups and their subgroups, into unqualified pyrogen units. Then they become transient units. They become such only when they are attracted, caught and held by the breath link unit of a cell. Their growth continues until they become geogen units of the unqualified kind. In the meantime, while they are so growing, they make up the phenomena of nature and enter into the composition of the various chemical elements and of the bodies of plants and animals. They return to bodies, where they are again caught by compositor units; the pyrogens are caught by the breath link units, the aerogens and their subgroups by life link units, the fluogens and their subgroups by form link units and the geogens and their subgroups by cell link units. They remain transient units until they become compositor units. They act as compositor units in nature in the building up and maintenance of the structures of plants and animals. Finally they become organ units and manage organs, successively in the four systems, and then they manage the systems and are successively the senses of sight, of hearing, of taste and of smell. There ends their career in nature. A sense of smell becomes the breath-form unit, which in turn is translated by the Triune Self to be its aia, when the Triune Self becomes an Intelligence. The progression of the unit is always from the earth-fire to the earth-earth towards the goal of being an aia unit, (Fig. II-H). Throughout the development of units in nature the principle that governs the growing, combining and massing is that of the point growing towards a quarter circle or the quarter circle diminishing towards a point.