The Word Foundation
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Harold W. Percival



Section 2

Method of thinking in fashioning nature. The forms of nature come from human thoughts. Pre-chemistry.

The third application of the principle of the point extending towards the circle may be observed when it is seen that nature, when it builds the exterior universe, follows the pattern in thoughts. There is no other way for nature-matter to act. Thinking and thoughts set the pattern, and the units, elementals in nature, have to follow it. The points, lines, angles, surfaces and curves are exteriorized as the forms of the physical world, where they are not distinguished as points, lines, angles, surfaces and curves but are massed into the things which appear as physical objects. Points, lines, angles and surfaces are everywhere. They are invisible. Only a compacted mass of surfaces is visible, but not one surface alone. As surface is built on surface, by combination of units, the structure becomes visible. So the elementals of the four earth elements build up what expresses visibly, audibly, tangibly, in solid matter, what the thinking and the thoughts of human beings are. These elementals build in this manner not only that which is the direct result of human effort but also that which is a distant and indirect result of human thinking, so distant that it is not attributed to it.

The elementals which received their impress from thinking while they passed through a human body build up organic nature, and there cause growth, expansion, development and change, all according to the method of point and limiting curve, which is the circle. Fungi, lichens and mosses, buds, flowers, fruits and seeds, trunks and branches are all built by the method of expressing a point as a circle in bodying forth human thoughts. According to the parts of the human body in which they were lodged as transient units they build out, under compositor units, plants such as an oak representing nerve structure, a cabbage representing a gland, a cactus representing a primitive state of the spine, a vine representing a blood vessel, grass or moss or needles of the evergreen representing hair.

Human thoughts force the units of the four earth elements to bring forth, to keep up and to destroy the bodies of the animals, according to the method of building out from the point toward the circle, the point expressed.

Plants and animals get their forms from human thoughts, though humans are not aware of this. These forms are a distant though direct result of human thoughts. The entities inhabiting these forms are in the case of short-lived animals as butterflies, insects and vermin, desires of the living, and in the case of mammals, birds, reptiles and fishes, desires cast off by doers after death.

The elementals which have passed through a human body build up also inorganic nature. The only manner in which they can build it is according to the pattern set by human thoughts, the pattern of the point developing toward a circle. In this way they make rocks, water and the air, and fill out all inorganic nature with phenomena, from starlight and sunsets, blue sky and thunder, to mountains and dust. The building is done according to the method of the point and circle, under the direction of upper elementals ordered by Intelligences and their Triune Selves.

The last stages of the precipitation of matter into the things of inorganic nature are from the form plane. The point matter or units in the fiery state of that plane develops by the method outlined into line matter, that is, into units in the airy state of that plane, then into angle matter, that is, units in the fluid state of that plane, and then into surface matter, that is, into units in the earthy state of that plane.

Then the solid unit from the form plane, by a similar development, grows to be the radiant physical unit. To a point in the units of surface matter on the form plane, points are attached outward as a matter line. The line begins to be what will become a surface, and thus a unit of radiant matter on the physical plane. From the first unit extends another line which is the aim line, and to it other lines as line matter attach themselves and so become angle matter, by the addition, at the apex, of line to line. Angle matter is a further step on the way to become a unit of radiant matter. The angle matter is limited by the curve, which is the limit of the radiant unit, as surface matter in the radiant state.

A similar process is repeated by this unit, that is, by the surface of radiant matter, from a point out of which is developed a surface which is a point of airy matter and later becomes a surface of airy matter. The process is then repeated by the unit of airy matter, from out of a point of which is developed a surface which is a point of fluid matter; and then by the unit of fluid matter, from out of a point of which is developed a surface which is a point of solid matter. From out of a point of solid matter is developed a surface of solid matter. In every stage of the concretion from solid form matter into solid physical matter a point as point matter is the beginning and is by the addition of point matter extended into a line, the matter line, and then into an aim line, which being line matter attracts line matter. Thereby the point becomes the apex of an angle which, growing, makes angle matter. The angle matter then grows to be surface matter.

Radiant units will be termed pyrogen, airy units aerogen, fluid units fluogen, and solid units geogen, (Fig. II-F). These four kinds of units are four main stations in the growth of units from the lowest state of the form plane into the lowest physical state. The plane of pre-chemistry shows these four kinds, in each kind of a fourfold group, in each group a fourfold subgroup, and so on by fours. To illustrate. The geogen group consists of pyro-geogen, aero-geogen, fluo-geogen and geo-geogen units; and the geo-geogen units have a fourfold subgroup of pyro-geo-geogen, aero-geo-geogen, and so forth.

The first stage of growth on to the physical plane as a point of radiant matter is pyro-pyro-pyro-pyro-pyrogen. From this stage the unit grows into a pyro-pyro-pyro-pyrogen unit, then into a pyro-pyro-pyrogen unit, then into a pyro-pyrogen unit, then into an aero-aero-aero-aero-pyrogen unit, and so on until it is an aero-pyrogen unit. Then it grows through corresponding intermediate stages until it is a geo-pyrogen unit. Then it becomes an unqualified pyrogen unit. After that it grows into a pyro-pyro-pyro-pyro-aerogen unit, and so on until it is an unqualified aerogen unit, then a pyro-pyro-pyro-pyro-fluogen unit, and so on until it is an unqualified fluogen unit, and then the development is repeated in the same way until it is an unqualified geogen unit. These systematic stages through which a unit passes all come into existence by the successive growth of point matter, line matter, angle matter and surface matter limited by a curve. The result of the growth is always a single unit, not a combination of units. It goes through all that before chemistry and physics can deal with it at all.

Among the traits which all units of whatever kind, group or subgroup have in common are these: they have twelve points, the twelve points on the circle, and only four of these are actual, the remaining eight being potential. The actual points of each unit are on the circumference at the matter line and at the lines completing each standard angle of thirty degrees. These four points may become active and upon their activity depends the combining capacity of the unit with other units.

Every unit has a passive and an active side, that is, a matter aspect and a force or spirit aspect. The passive aspect is the four points at which it can combine, that is, its combining capacity. The active aspect is, among other things, its combining power, which is the power to use this combining capacity. It appears as a power to take, to hold and to use other units. The combining power is not specialized, so as to act separately from the combining capacity. The trend of the unit is to develop so that the power will become so specialized. Until the combining power is specialized the unit is a unit in inorganic or in organic nature, and can use the power mainly to capture and hold other units when the combining capacity is called on.

The activity of one or more points gives to a unit its special traits. In a pyrogen unit one point only is active, the pyro point; the other three remain inactive as long as it is a pyrogen unit. In an aerogen unit the pyro and aero points become active; in the fluogen unit the pyro, aero and fluo points become active; and in a geogen unit all four points, the pyro, aero, fluo and geo points become active. The distinguishing mark of each unit is the point which indicates its kind, that is, in a geogen unit the mark is the geo point, in a fluogen unit the fluo point, in an aerogen unit the aero point and a pyrogen unit has only the pyro point.

A pyrogen unit can combine only at its pyro point. An aerogen unit can combine at its pyro point and at its aero point. With a fluogen unit it can combine only at its first or pyro point which is the point common to both units. With an aerogen unit it combines at the second or aero point, which is the second point common to both units. The fluogen unit can combine at any one of its three points. With a pyrogen unit it can combine only at its own first or pyro point, which is the only point common to both units; with an aerogen unit it can combine only at its own second or aero point, which is the last point common to both units; with another fluogen unit it can combine only at their third or fluo or last common point, and with a geogen unit it can combine only at their last common point, which is the fluo point. A geogen unit can combine at any one of its four points; with a pyrogen unit it can combine only at its own pyro point; with an aerogen unit only at its own aero point; with a fluogen unit only at its own fluo point and with another geogen unit only at the geo point.

When units combine they do so at the last common point. Not more than two units can combine with each other at the same time at the same point. Units can combine, first, if they are of the same kind and also of the same grade of development in that kind; second, if they are of the same kind and one of them is an unqualified unit of the same kind; third, if they are of different kinds and both are unqualified units; fourth, if they are of different kinds and one is an unqualified unit of its own kind and the other is in combination with an unqualified unit of its kind; fifth, if they are of different kinds and each is already in combination with an unqualified unit of its own kind.

Though the combining units cannot be seen, their combinations can be seen or examined when they have reached the stage called “chemical elements.” The compounds of these enter into the make-up of all inorganic and organic bodies, into everything that grows and into everything that is made. The combinations produce the phenomena of the physical world—starlight, sunshine, moonlight, lightning, rainbows, spectra, wind, thunder, rain, and the colors and shades of twilight, dawn and sunset; the stars, the sun, the moon and the planets; electricity, heat, cohesion, magnetism, gravity and some unknown forces; the mineral, vegetable and animal realms; human bodies; birth, growth and decay of all things; and all sights, sounds, tastes and smells.

Units of the same kind form groups or series. For example, pre-chemically, lead is the end of one series which contains uranium, helium, radium and lead, and is the beginning of another, which is lead, mercury, silver and gold. Then the gold turns into uranium and the series begins again. These visible things are like platforms; the curved stairs descending and then ascending, that lead from one to another, are not perceptible.

The place where these units are, from pyro-pyro-pyro-pyro-pyrogen units, which are the beginning of radiant matter, to the unqualified geogen units which are at the end of the grades of development of solid matter, is the region between the outermost stars and the center of the earth. Radiant matter is in airy matter, and that in fluid matter, and that in solid matter. Finer matter penetrates coarser. Because of this interpenetration of units the outpourings of the sun may be directly inhaled and bodily exhalations be drawn into the sun. Thus the physical body may be made immune to disease and endowed with youth. A man sitting in a chair may actually be in contact with the farthest star.

Pyrogen is starlight, aerogen is sunlight, fluogen is moonlight and geogen is earthlight. Earthlight or pure carbon is light, as is sunlight, only human eyes, chiefly because their focus is limited to one octave, do not see it as light any more than they can see starlight in rocks. None of these lights could be operative without the earth. None of these things are true light. They are only units in states of matter affected through the Triune Self by the Light of the Intelligence. The difference in these kinds of light, so-called, is due to the capacity of the four states of matter on the physical plane of the physical world to transmit the Light of the Intelligence.

The stars, sun, moon and earth are foci in which the four states of matter on the physical plane are centered. Of these centers or foci the earth is a solid body, and the moon is semi-solid, but the sun and stars are not solid bodies. The four kinds of units are controlled through these centers. The centers are connected, each with the one above or within it. The sun is needed to bring and circulate starlight. Without the moon there would be no contact with sunlight. Without the earth there could be no contact with the moonlight. The sun centralizes starlight and radiates it through the aid of the moon to the earth. The sun pumps, through the moon as a strainer, all four kinds of light into and out of all animate and inanimate things and beings on the earth crust. It breaks down, compounds and replaces them according to the points that allow the combining of units to become active.

If the eye had the focal power of four octaves, one could see these four lights distinctly. He could see the free starlight, the free sunlight, the free moonlight and the free earthlight as units or as masses. He could see the interpenetration of the starlight into the sunlight, and of the sunlight into the moonlight and of the moonlight into the earthlight. He could see these four lights present through, and radiating in all directions from the solid-solid objects on the earth.

The less advanced units of each kind are in the starry spaces farthest removed from the earth; and the more advanced are nearer to the earth. On the surface of the earth unqualified units of the four kinds predominate, though there are also units in the intermediate stages of development. Geogen units are rarest at the stars and at the earth center and densest inside the earth crust.

A unit of the geogen kind is the beginning of solidity. Geogen units are the beginning of every object of a solid nature, whether it be a human body or a layer of marble rock. Without geogen there could not be anything solid. Geogen units are the building blocks of the universe. In some bodies the units are all of the geogen kind as in lampblack or in charcoal. In other bodies the geogen units predominate, as in a tree where there are also fluogen, aerogen and pyrogen units. In other bodies, as in phosphorus and sulphur, the geogen units do not predominate, but they are then at least the basis for the solidity of the mass. The geogen units are the base on which units of the other three kinds are held. Geogen units are in fluids and in gases. They are in sunlight and in starlight near the earth surface and, because sunlight and starlight like to combine with them, they make these lights available to things on the earth surface. The physical, visible, sensible universe is built on the points of geogen units. In the physical world geogen units play the dominant part. It is a geogen world. Other worlds and beings are in and through the geogen world and its beings. For these beings the geogen world with its geogen people and things exists as little as they do for it. Some of the geogen units get into these other worlds, but there they lack the significance which they have in the geogen world. They amount to little. But on the earth surface everything depends on them and their combinations.

Separation goes with combination. Combinations of units can separate and after a while do separate. Everything in inorganic nature and in organic nature is a combination and is divisible. Combinations are dissociated in the inverse order of their combining. The surface breaks down into angles, standard angles of thirty degrees; the angles break down into lines; the lines separate into points, and the original combining units are left. When compounds are separated the combinations which helped to make them may continue.

At any of their stages the units can recombine. The oftener they do so, the readier and fitter they become to recombine. Their separation may stop at any stage. The units may then remain where they are, for a short or a long time, from fractions of a second to ages, until they recombine. When they recombine they act under the same system by point, line, angle and surface, that dominates their growth and their combination and controls their separation. In this way all objects on the visible earth are built, maintained and dissolved.

If the limit of growth of any body or part of it is reached, the lesser units that make it are separated, carried away and carried back into the sun, or enter new combinations. If the limit of growth is not reached, some of the units of the thing are carried away and others replace them, carried in by the stream coming from the sun.

The length of time units remain in a combination before they separate and enter new ones, or are unbound for a time, depends on various factors, as on their own condition, showing that they are unfitted for or have outgrown the combination in which they are; on the governing unit of the compound if they are in one; on whether they are undisturbed, like the units in coal left in the earth, or are acted on by some outside force, as are the units in coal burning in a grate. If they are compositor units they leave their compounds in nature to go into a human body, when the summons for them is issued. If they are transient units, that is, units which are used by a human body but do not belong to it, they may remain in their compounds until these are broken up.

Solid objects, no matter how permanent they seem, are in a state of flux. They are compounds of units which are in various degrees of development, from pyro-pyro-pyro-pyro-pyrogen to the various geogen combinations. Of the units which make up the compounds some may be there for a long time, some for a shorter time and some are merely passing through. This is as true of marble or glass as of the petals of a peach blossom.

The difference in the relative permanence of these things is due either to cohesion, that is, a property of geogen or structure units due to the presence of fluogen or form units, or to the principle of typal form. Cohesion keeps units in compounds in inorganic structures together, unless the property of a mass of other units passing through the geogen mass disrupts it. Heat, which is a mass of pyrogen and aerogen units, disrupts the cohesion of a mass of units which make the compound marble. Sudden changes from heat to cold, a certain electric current or the will of one who can see or speak through solid matter, could crumble it. The cohesive property in units is that which keeps them together in inorganic things. Organic objects, that is, those of cellular construction, are, however, not held together by cohesion. Design or form is what keeps the units in the peach tree, its fruit or the peach blossoms together. The purpose of the design and a certain limit of time, bring about the disruption of a part of the design and thereby break down the compounds of the blossom, of the fruit and of the tree. The pyrogen, aerogen, fluogen and geogen units in the light, air, water and earth do the rest, liberating the units that compose the blossom, the peach and the tree, and allowing them to form new compounds. So objects in inorganic nature are given permanence by cohesion, and in organic nature by the design or form.