The Word Foundation
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Harold W. Percival



Section 13

The time between existences. About the heavenly bodies. Time. Why people fit into the age in which they live.

The time between existences varies. Before a doer portion can exist again, the other doer portions must have existed in their order. Many factors influence the period which must pass before a doer portion returns to the common ground as a human. The periods vary in different cases from within a hundred years to thousands and thousands, as measured by physical time.

Existences, just as all other events that depend on this physical time, can take place only when there is a coincidence of this physical with certain other kinds of time. The kinds of time by which the periods between the re-existences of a certain doer portion are measured, and which have to coincide are of four kinds. Each kind of time has divisions and these again have subdivisions. What is here loosely called physical time is intended to point to four subdivisions of time on the physical plane of the physical world, namely to that which applies to matter in the four states. As physical time is the time on the common ground the coincidence with it is the telling factor.

About time human beings generally know nothing, except their conscious experience with the change of the masses of the units of the sun, moon and earth in their relation to each other. Time, represented by a calendar, means to human beings events produced by the change in the relation of these masses of units, such as day, night, month and year. Man uses these changing natural phenomena because they are regular and produce the seasons, as marks to measure the flowing streams of events in his life: sowing, reaping, waking, sleeping, past and future, near and far. His perception of time depends upon his four senses, principally sight, chained to the physical body. Therefore, his perception of time is limited to the outermost phenomena which occur on the common ground where time as an objective relation is the same for all human beings.

The four kinds of nature time are time in the light world, light time; time in the life world, life time; time in the form world, form time; and time in the physical world. Of the time in the physical world mankind perceives only time on the physical plane. In each world the units or masses of units are different, their relations are different and the dominant units or masses by which the changes in the relations are made and can be measured, are different.

What appears as the sun is a focus in the airy layer of the physical plane of the physical world, and focuses matter which comes into it from the fiery, airy, watery and earthy layers upon and into the earthy layer. It precipitates this fourfold matter with the aid of the moon to the outer earth crust. The moon is fluid-solid, not as solid as the earth crust, and is a mass or body in the watery layer. It screens, filters, magnetizes, demagnetizes, modifies and adjusts the matter that flows from the sun to the earth crust and from the earth crust to the sun. These two dominant masses affect the units and masses of units on the physical plane. The sun works with the heart and lungs, the moon with the kidneys and adrenals, the earth with the sex organs, all through the breath. All units are affected on that plane by the sun, the moon and the earth.

There is no sun, no moon and no earth in the form world or in the life world or in the light world. The stars are not in the form world, but are on the borders of and mark the limits of the perceptible physical plane and the form plane of the physical world.

Time in the other worlds cannot be measured by the masses which make physical time. But there are dominant units or masses of units in the other worlds which make form time, life time and light time, but light time is only on the physical plane of the light world. There are relations and even analogies between physical time and the various subdivisions of time on the other planes of the physical world and of time in the other worlds. Though these many subdivisions or varieties of nature time exist, only some aspects of four varieties, namely, of those on the physical plane, can be perceived at present by existing doers. During an existence various subdivisions of time coincide. They coincide not only among themselves, but also with changes or occurrences in the doer.

When the doer is in the body and conscious on the physical plane as a human he measures all things by physical time, by the sun, moon and earth. When he is cut off by sleep or death from the physical plane, he continues to experience nature time, but not solely as this physical time. He then can experience time also as earth time or water time or air time or fire time on the form, life and light planes of the physical world, or as form time, rarely as life time and hardly ever as light time. Thoughts, desires and the breath-form are the factors which take the place of sun, moon and earth and are the means for measuring. The human perceives nature time through the four senses after death as long as the senses and the breath-form are with him.

There is no time in the Triune Self. But there is time for the doer of the Triune Self when it is embodied. The changes in the doer, while embodied, are measured not by time but by accomplishment. Events in the doer bring about accomplishment; the accomplishment is the result of changes in the doer. These changes are in the doer, not in the thinker and not in the knower, which are unaffected. The factors which bring about changes in the doer are feeling and desire. They bring about these changes by their attitude towards nature through the use of their three minds. These changes are experienced by the doer in the psychic atmosphere, where they affect not only the existing portion of the doer but also the non-existing portions. The changes go on chiefly between the desire for Self-knowledge and the desire for sex, and are recorded in the psychic atmosphere.

During the period after death the four kinds of nature time are arranged to coincide with the accomplishment, that is, the result in the doer produced in the last earth life.

Before a re-existence can take place the various subdivisions of nature time other than physical time must coincide with the accomplishment in the doer, and all together must coincide with physical time and with place and condition.

Moreover, it must be possible to continue this alignment of time throughout the life of the physical body. The coincidence of the various times other than physical time takes place as the human works out in the after death states what he has to pass through. When the doer portion is ready for an existence it waits after its eternity in heaven, in blissful sleep. When physical time, condition and place coincide with what is predestined, that doer portion re-exists.

The synchronizing of the different kinds of time with the accomplishment in the doer is done by the thinker. The doer passes necessarily through its hell and its heaven and at the end there have been synchronized and adjusted through the thinker and knower, the kinds of time in the four worlds of nature to the accomplishment in the psychic atmosphere.

How is it that most people seem to fit right into the age in which they live, although the other doer portions had to be embodied before their own term came again and the language and occupations may have changed in the meantime? The reason is that the doer has gone through all experiences and has repeated them over and over. Therefore a human does not have to come from a recent past and locality to fit into his place at the present time. The facility of some in using a language, the readiness with which some take hold of sciences and their modern applications, the extraordinary capacity of some to handle large undertakings in government, war or commerce, do not indicate that these achievements are continuations of a recent past. Nor are stupidity, awkwardness and ignorance signs that the doer portion was deficient during the previous existence.

Nothing in the way of attainment or absence of achievement is proof or indication that the human had or had not powers in the past. The capacities and abilities of human beings depend upon the use of their three minds; all doers had control of all three many times in the past, and most of them have lost the control.

The world in which the human beings of the doers live is a play of shadows and illusions, which has been going on for millions of years. The play is as a farce to the Triune Self. It is as a farce because there is no time in the Triune Self. End and beginning are one; and even to the doer there is nothing new, because it has had all possible experiences. It is ludicrous that the thing on which men depend most for certainty is one of the most illusory things to the Triune Self, that is, time.