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Harold W. Percival



Section 14

Everything after death is destiny. Inventors. Classic Hellas. Re-existence in nation groups. Centers of succeeding civilizations. Greece, Egypt, India.

Everything after death happens as destiny; the human cannot determine anything after death. Lessons are given to him, but he cannot make use of them until he gets back to earth and lives in a flesh body. The reason that he cannot control anything after death is, that choice is possible only while on the common ground. After death the human is subject to illusions, as he was in life.

In life he cannot see anything as it is. He sees everything as massed together and sees no thing by itself. Therefore he sees things that are temporary as permanent. He sees only the outside of things, and not the causes which draw the things together. He does not see the changes that go to make the outside change. He cannot distinguish between himself and nature, nor can he distinguish the four senses, which are part of nature, from himself. He fears to let go of the four senses and what they connect him with, as though he would lose himself if he lost them. He depends for permanence on nature, which is ever changing. He is mistaken about his identity. Only those who have overcome the illusions of life can control them after death and so master the destiny which is theirs.

Just as Intelligences and Triune Selves marshal physical events so that the world moves on and the thoughts of all doers can be exteriorized on the physical plane, so Triune Selves sometimes accelerate or retard the synchronizing of kinds of time for their doers, so that these may be ready when physical time permits a re-existence. The Light of the Intelligence by its action hastens or extends the accomplishment of the events which are the consummation of the time that has to be passed. The Intelligences may have nothing to do with the management of the physical plane, but they are in touch with other Intelligences who marshal in time and place physical events that are to be. Frequently such acceleration or retardation happens when a doer has to meet many other doers on earth or if a doer is distinct from the ordinary run of doers, or if it is on The Way.

The human beings themselves cause the acceleration or retardation of the time of their re-existence by what they think while they are embodied and by how they act in relation to this thinking. The determining factor is whether its feeling and thinking keep a doer with the physical world or take it away from physical conditions.

A human hastens his return by trying to see facts as they are, by doing his duties without hope of reward or fear of disadvantage, by working to achieve his ideals and by having ideals not too far ahead of attainment. The time for the return is delayed when a human sees only part of the facts and longs for things to be different, when he fears the coming of events, when he does good in hope of reward or refrains from wrong for fear of punishment, when he thinks much about heaven and hell and longs for the one or fears the other, or when he thinks without putting his thinking into practice. Plotting evil deeds even without doing them will tend to bring a doer back soon, because its feelings and thoughts are with the present and with the earth. Thinking ideally even though it is of the earth, postpones the return to earth because it relates to the future. Occupation or position in life have in themselves not much influence; but the thinking which they permit or engender has. A cobbler at work may think of an ideal government or of philosophy; a country parson may think far beyond his present field of action. Such thinking may keep them away a long time. On the other hand a pawnbroker, an undertaker or a lawyer may never get beyond the hard facts of his life; not the philosophy of need, death and strife, but chiefly what they themselves can get out of them for their purses attracts their thinking. Such thinking would bring them back soon. Generally practical thinking and its transference into immediate acts shortens the absence from physical life.

In the after death states, ages and eternities of suffering and of bliss can be experienced in short terms as measured by physical time. To the doers in their subjective states physical time does not exist. Long or short periods as measured by physical time mean nothing to them.

Whether a long or short absence from the common ground is advantageous depends upon various conditions. No absolute statement applicable to all doers or even to any one doer, can be made to cover the many situations on the common ground and the varying conditions of doers at certain times.

Generally speaking, it is better for human beings who have goodwill and who work for the benefit of others, to come back soon. Their return gives them at least the opportunity to think and work and thereby to accomplish something. But an early return may be bad if the human comes into a period for which he is not prepared, and therefore has a disposition to escape from destiny, or if he comes with handicaps, such as an infirm body. Still, such impediments may be resisted and overcome and the situation be turned to advantage. Sometimes human beings who come back too soon cannot accomplish their work, because they have not had a sufficient period of dreamless rest after the end of their heaven period. For lack of that rest they may be unequal to opportunities, unprepared for events or without vigor to make or carry out plans. Even unfitting times into which a human is born and in which he is out of place and not understood, may become advantageous if he faces his environment bravely or if he learns something from it.

Generally a long interval is unfavorable because it keeps a doer from the field of action and from opportunities. It is likely to take it too far out of times to which it is accustomed and with which its thinking has made it familiar. A doer may think of and speculate on high ideals and, as long as it connects them with present physical realities, it does not think so as to be kept away from the earth. It is different with thinking which has no connection with or is opposed to physical realities. Such dreaming keeps the human away from the earth and is disadvantageous, because it prevents opportunities to accomplish anything with himself. In each case the length of absence involves questions of individual destiny and cannot be disposed of by a flat answer tending to cover all cases.

The disposal of the body of the deceased can have an influence on the earlier or later return of the doer. Cremation or the devouring of the body by birds or fishes frees the compositor units from the influence of the fourfold physical body. Then the physical earth loses all hold on the four senses and on the breath-form. Thereby the doer is set free from the physical influence which the earth exerted through the senses and the breath-form.

In the case of burial the physical earth can continue its influence through the fourfold body on the compositor units and retard their freedom until decay dissipates the physical body. Embalming and mummification retard the decay of the body and hold transient units in the body. The compositor units are not affected. When death takes place the body of transient units remains; the breath-form with the senses and the compositor units leave the body at once; but there remains the magnetic connection between the compositor units and the physical body.

Cremation destroys at once the fourfold physical body, and the influence of the physical earth on the breath-form and the compositors. When the dominating thought of the next doer portion to re-exist presses for re-existence, the after death states of the preceding portion are hastened. Then the aia vivifies the breath-form, which makes contact with the parents-to-be through their breaths, for conception. If the former body is not decomposed there may be a lethal influence from the disintegrating astral on the astral that is being built in the mother. The astral of the dead body may affect the compositor units that are fashioning the new body in the womb, may bring morbid sensations to the mother and may transmit prenatally tendencies to disease or to badness. Usually the time that must elapse between re-embodiments is at least the time necessary for the compositor units to become free from the magnetic influence of the decaying body.

In the case of cremation the compositors are set free from this influence at once; in the case of decay they are free when the organs which they managed have reached a certain stage of decomposition. This may take place within a few months. The bones, made up as they are of transient units in the solid-solid state, are the last to disintegrate and least important.

Doers may be absent from earth life for thousands of years. This occurs where the conditions marked by physical time do not afford to their dominant thoughts means for unfolding, to their talents a field for display, to their virtues suitable environment and to their ideals a people who understand them and are like them. Many doers that belonged to heights of former ages of the earth, water, air and fire are excluded from re-existence.

The earth, since history tells, has been the common ground of such doers as have made the bloody and rapacious history which is recorded. In historical times the doers who knew and even those who belonged to the class of the thinkers have been greatly in the minority and often misunderstood and persecuted. Yet it is due largely to them that the Fourth Civilization has been enabled to go on. Many such doers have returned out of their time, but the race to which they belong could not return, as a whole, for thousands of years. For many centuries backward doers have come to the earth. They have made it a place to which the more advanced doers that built up the earth, water, air and fire ages to their heights, could not come.

But within the last hundred and fifty years much has been done, by the wider diffusion of information and by discoveries and their general application, to furnish a basis for an ascent. New groups of doers are coming in who have been away for a long time. During these few years the improvements in the material surroundings have been greater and more general than at any time in the historic period.

Among inventors and discoverers have been some of the doers who lived in those former ages. Then forces of the earth, the water, the air and the starlight were known and used, which later could no longer be reached and mastered. Some of the recent discoverers are doers who in those ages were conscious of the operation of those forces. The thoughts which they had then formed of the working of those forces made their marks on the aias of those doers. When they came back their thoughts refreshed the signatures on the breath-form and started the body-mind on the subjects of the signatures. Conditions on the earth were different, but these doers having gotten into touch with their thoughts in those past times, were enabled to apply their former knowledge to the new surroundings and so made the discoveries which are ushering in a new era. When the general thinking of humanity is opposed to anything new, there is a general belief that the proposed novelty is impossible. Many discoveries have for this reason been treated with indifference or enmity. The original discoverers are therefore often not known. But when the desiring and thinking of the people run along certain lines, either new discoveries or former discoveries which had been rejected, are accepted and popularly applied. The persons who are credited with being the pioneers in discoveries are often only those who utilized at the favorable moment the discovery made by some unknown or forgotten predecessor who could not prevail against the weight of the general thinking. These original discoverers, known or unknown, are usually doers who have lived in those former ages.

The more advanced races to which these doers belong do not re-exist as a whole. Occasionally there is a flare-up, and a group of doers from one of these races of prehistoric times appear together. Then they mark an epoch in the darkness.

Such was the case in the classic age in Hellas, which was so great that it has conspicuously influenced the world for over two thousand years. There had been a land which is now below the waters of the Mediterranean. What was later Athens, was a spot that had been used by the people of a period when a fire, an air, a water and an earth age flourished together. The illustrious philosophers, scientists, builders, artists and poets of classic Hellas were doers who had lived in the period when the four ages flourished. They returned together to Athens and made it for the time even greater than what it is now believed to have been. What the philosophers said about the four elements and the earth crust has come down to the present in fragments, or in distorted statements. The divine beings and races of Greek mythology are traditions standing for human beings who had actually lived in the starlight, the air, the water and the earth.

The doers that compose the nations now on earth have been re-existing in their national groups for a long time. When a nation disappears, the doers withdraw for a while and then build a new race or come into the bodies of a race living on some other part of the earth’s surface. They go in groups to different races according to their way of thinking. They impress themselves as a group upon that nation, or are absorbed by it.

When nations are born they settle around certain localities which, because of the formation of mountains, plains, rivers and harbors, favor the building of cities. Some of these spots are centers of succeeding civilizations, because they are special places on the earth crust. They are outlets for magnetic forces and allow certain other less material forces to manifest there. There are places which time and again have been fields of battle, centers of government, seats of learning or cities of commerce. Some places have served in several of these roles. New York, London, Rome, Athens, Cairo are some of them. Notwithstanding many changes in the conformation of the land and water on the earth crust, cities have risen again and again at these centers. There are such centers in North, Central and South America and in the Pacific, on which important cities will be, as they have been in the past.

If nations at different times are different, it is because different sets of doers came back to earth. Certain sets come in the youth of the nation, other sets build it up, other sets bring culture or corruption and other doers come to aid in its destruction. Sometimes a nation disappears imperceptibly. A certain bloodstrain remains to keep up a continuity of bodies, but the dwellers in those bodies are not the doers that existed formerly.

The illustrious doers of classic Greece do not live in bodies of modern Greeks. The fellahin, though good simple people, are not the doers that made Egypt great; the doers in Central America are not the doers of the ancient Mayas; and the doers of the people in India are not the ones who made and used Sanskrit. But as long as nations remain substantially the same in their thinking, the same doers return to them, generally speaking. There are some exceptions, but there is this general coming back. Doers usually meet again in their families other doers with whom they had close relations, be it of attachment or of enmity. The families also have relations, hostile or friendly, with other families or groups of people. These more or less effective ties will bring all the doers which are bound by them into a community or a class in a nation. The opportunities for these appearances are limited by physical time. Therefore a synchronizing of the return of certain doers is effected by the beings who marshal all earthly events in time and place, so that those re-exist together who have to work out their destinies in common.