The Word Foundation

Publishers of THINKING and DESTINY


You are now poised to delve into information vital to you as a human being—that which is contained in the book Thinking and Destiny by Harold W. Percival, one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century. In print for over seventy years, Thinking and Destiny is one of the most complete and profound revelations offered to humanity.

The main purpose of this website is to make Thinking and Destiny, as well as Mr. Percival's other books, available to the people of the world. All of these books may now be read online and can be accessed in our Library. If this is your first exploration of Thinking and Destiny, you may want to start with the Author's Foreword and Introduction.

The geometrical symbols used on this site convey metaphysical principles that are illustrated and explained in Thinking and Destiny. More information about these symbols may be found here.

Although history has shown us that human beings are often inclined to venerate and glorify a person of H. W. Percival's stature, he himself was adamant that he did not want to be regarded as a teacher. He asks that the statements in Thinking and Destiny be judged by the truth that is in each person; thus, he turns the reader back to him or herself:

I do not presume to preach to anyone; I do not consider myself a preacher or a teacher. Were it not that I am responsible for the book, I would prefer that my personality not be named as its author. The greatness of the subjects about which I offer information, relieves and frees me from self-conceit and forbids the plea of modesty. I dare make strange and startling statements to the conscious and immortal self that is in every human body; and I take for granted that the individual will decide what he will or will not do with the information presented.

 -- H. W. Percival

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    I personally consider Thinking and Destiny to be the most significant and valuable book ever published in any language.

    —E. R. S.   .

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    If I were marooned on an island and were allowed to take one book, this would be the book.

    —A. S. W.    

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    Thinking and Destiny is one of those ageless books that will be just as true and valuable to human beings ten thousand years from now as it is today. Its intellectual and spiritual riches are inexhaustible.

    —L. F. P.    

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    Just as Shakespeare is a part of all the ages, so is Thinking and Destiny the book of Humanity.

    —E. I. M.  .

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    The book is not of the year, nor of the century, but of the era. It discloses a rational basis for morality and solves psychological problems that have puzzled man for ages.

    —G. R.    

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    Thinking and Destiny gives the information I have long been searching for. It is a rare, lucid and inspiring boon to humanity.

    —C. B. B.    

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    In reading Thinking and Destiny I find myself amazed, dazzled, and intensely interested. What a book! What new thoughts (to me) it contains!

    —F. T.    

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    Never before, and I have been an avid truth searcher all of my life, have I found so much wisdom and enlightenment as I continually am discovering in Thinking and Destiny.

    —J. M.  .

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    Until I found this book I never seemed to belong to this topsy-turvy world, then it straightened me out in a big hurry.

    —R. G.    

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    Whenever I feel myself slipping into discouragement I open the book at random and find exactly the thing to read that gives me a lift and the strength I need at the time. Truthfully we do create our destiny through thinking. How different life could be if we were taught that from cradle on.

    —C. P.  .

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    Percival’s Thinking and Destiny should end any serious seeker’s search for accurate written information about life. The author demonstrates that he knows whereof he speaks. There is no fuzzy religious language and no speculations. Utterly unique in this genre, Percival has written what he knows, and he knows a great deal – certainly more than any other known author. If you wonder about who you are, why you are here, the nature of the universe or the meaning of life then Percival will not let you down ... Be prepared!


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    This is one of the most important books ever written in the known and unknown history of this planet. The ideas and knowledge stated appeal to reason, and have the “ring” of truth. H. W. Percival is a virtually unknown benefactor to mankind, as his literary gifts will reveal, when impartially investigated. I am astounded by the absence of his masterwork in the many “recommended reading” lists at the end of many serious and important books that I have read. He is indeed one the best kept secrets in the worlds of thinking men. A pleasant smile and feelings of gratitude are evoked within, whenever I think of that blessed being, known in the world of men as Harold Waldwin Percival.

    —L. B.    

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    After 30 years of taking copious notes from many books on psychology, philosophy, science, metaphysics, theosophy and kindred relative subjects, this marvelous book is the complete answer to all that I have been seeking for so many years. As I absorb the contents there results the greatest mental, emotional and physical freedom with an exalted inspiration that words cannot express. I consider this book the most provocative and revealing that I have ever had the pleasure of reading.

    —M. B. A.    

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    The best book i ever read; very profound and it explains everything about one's existence. Buddha said long ago that thought is the mother of every action. Nothing better than this book to explain in detail. Thank you.


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